Digital trade summit at NSW Parliament House

| September 6, 2018

GAP’s 9th Annual Economic Summit will be held on 6th – 7th September and will bring together 135 people who have a vested interest in seeing Australia respond to the opportunities that Digital Trade presents.

We will gather in the Legislative Assembly Chamber of NSW Parliament House, to discuss the barriers and enablers of digital trade.

The Australian government has called for industry leadership in the formation of digital trade policy and the GAP Summit will offer an opportunity for high level consultation with business leaders.

The discussions will align with the priorities of Australia’s International cyber engagement strategy and digital economy strategy.

The attendees are senior representatives from business, government and academia, and as in the past, the aim of the Summit is to develop recommendations that those in the Chamber feel they can action.

GAP provides a safe space for collaboration and information sharing between people that don’t usually share their challenges. We use the GAP second track process to facilitate the dialogue and rely on every one of our guests to contribute to the discussion.

It is run under Chatham House Rule and each delegate can speak from the floor for three minutes at a time. It always makes for lively discussion, the result of which is concrete projects that we will work on together in the coming year.

Each GAP Summit is the beginning of a year of activity, and I’m looking forward to another productive year based on our Summit discussions.

The Summit programme is available on our website.