Inclusive leadership – built on trust and collaboration

| August 7, 2015

Why does trust matter at the workplace? Donna Meredith says by demonstrating some key behaviours, you will give and receive things of great value and advance exponentially in your leadership journey.

Last year we asked employees and leaders from around the world to tell us what drives trust in the workplace.

Why does trust matter – now more than ever?

  • Because trust directly affects revenue and profit growth.
  • Because trust directly supports innovation.
  • Because leadership behaviours that inspire trust – particularly those behaviours that are inclusive and that enable collaboration – lead to higher performing organisations.

This is why we advise leaders to embark on their own journey to become more inclusive leaders – that is, leaders that facilitate collaboration and both inspire and demonstrate trust.

How then do I become a more inclusive, facilitative leader? How do I build trust? What characteristics and behaviours do I need to demonstrate?

According to my colleague at Interaction Associates, Jay Cone, inclusive leaders facilitate trust by actively demonstrating four key strategic behaviours:

  • transparency
  • appreciation
  • empathy
  • rapport

To increase your transparency

  • Express the rationale for your actions and decisions.
  • Externalise your thought process: ‘I’m trying to figure out … and right now I’m thinking that…’
  • Hold frequent meetings to communicate both what is known and what is not known.

To demonstrate your appreciation

  • Focus on what’s working.
  • Say ‘thank you’.
  • Learn what matters to the people with whom you work.
  • Offer appropriate rewards and recognition.

To demonstrate your empathy

  • Practice active listening without judgement.
  • Share your own feelings about facing uncertain situations.
  • Check your understanding ‘Are you saying that … ?’

To increase rapport with your team:

  • Learn about the personal histories and interests of people.
  • Share personal information about yourself and your vision of success.
  • Enjoy relationship-building activities not specifically related to getting work done.

When you ‘walk the talk’; when your behaviour truly inspires trust; when you facilitate collaboration and inclusive behaviour in your team – you both give and receive things of extraordinary value – and you advance exponentially on your leadership journey.