A new way of thinking about work injuries – report released

| July 22, 2016
Recovery at work strategic roundtable

The health benefits of work, early intervention and how to improve the recovery rates for injured employees were the focus of a recent strategic stakeholder roundtable at NSW Parliament House. The final GAP report has now been released.

The meeting was organised by Global Access Partners (GAP) and supported by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services, the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA), Insurance and Care NSW (icare) and WorkSafe Victoria.

Seventy six participants from academia, government agencies, the health service, employers, insurers and industry associations discussed issues raised by the recent return-to-work studies in NSW and Victoria with workplace rehabilitation specialists.

Speakers included Helen Rogers, Executive Director of the Participation and Inclusion Directorate at NSW Family and Community Services; Prof Michael Nicholas of the Pain Management Research Institute at Royal North Shore Hospital and The University of Sydney; Dr Alex Gyani of the Behavioural Insights Unit at NSW Premier and Cabinet; Carmel Donnelly, Executive Director of Workers and Home Building Compensation Regulation at the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (NSW); Dr Anne Daly, Clinical Consultant at WorkSafe Victoria; and Eugene McGarrell, General Manager of Community and Health Engagement at icare NSW.


Putting people at the centre of the workers insurance system for successful return to work – by Caroline Howe