Body Image Blues
alison gordon | January 15, 2010As human beings, from both genders and most age groups, we inherently have difficulty complimenting ourselves. We readily, however, jump at the chance to put ourselves down.
A Quiet Love Affair with City Rail
alison gordon | October 17, 2009A few weeks ago, after exiting through the turnstiles at Central station, I was stopped by a friendly man handing out new train timetables to customers, foreshadowing another overhaul on October 11.
Clipboard in hand, he asked me whether I had a few minutes to talk to him about my experience with City Rail. What was my main frustration? What would I like improved or changed? What do I think about ticket prices?
I stood there for a moment a little lost for words.
Smut Still Sells
alison gordon | August 14, 2009Personally, I have never understood the popularity of the Kyle and Jackie O “show”; even when they first started their illustrious career as the nightly Top 30 countdown team for 2dayFM some years ago.
GAP Forum calls for a more competitive urban water market
alison gordon | August 6, 2009As Project Manager for the GAP Forum on Urban Water Reform, in partnership with the Allen Consulting Group, I am very pleased with the final report of recommendations, officially launched on Tuesday, 4 August 2009, in Parliament House, Canberra by the Hon. Dr Mike Kelly AM MP.
Give up on the ‘booze police’
alison gordon | April 28, 2009The resurrection of the proposed alcopops tax legislation after it was defeated in the Senate is just another waste of time.
Not that I’m a pessimist, but I am wondering how many of our good fellow citizens agree with me when I say that no matter what you, or I, or the government does, we will never be free of the serious social and economic problem that is binge drinking.
All good intentions aside, the resurrection of the proposed alcopops tax legislation after it was defeated in the Senate is sadly another waste of time, as has been proven in other countries which have tried a similar approach and failed miserably.
Childish consumerism
alison gordon | March 1, 2009As role models, guardians and parents, we can surely do more to stop our kids falling prey to savvy and toxic marketing campaigns.
Do you have a "tween" in your house, or are about to have one? Perhaps you’re now grateful you have a couple of teenagers, or even young adults still living at home. Maybe you’re even relieved to have only boys in the house!
We’ve all been affected by the downside of consumerism, but if you thought you’re precious little ones were safe, particularly your girls, rest assured this "market" has been well and truly discovered. You might be one of the many believers that it’s much easier to raise boys than girls, and regardless of whether this is true, we can probably all agree there are lots to raise an eyebrow at in 2009.
Another (V) day, another dollar
alison gordon | February 12, 2009After doing a quick scan of people's general reaction to the words "Valentine's Day", one would have to say it's a mixed lot, at best.
Networking Online: Risks, Rewards and Manners
alison gordon | January 20, 2009Affairs of the heart will always be risky no matter what the courtship medium.
Travelling to History
alison gordon | December 16, 2008Though you can't erase history, the Tasmanians do a wonderful job of keeping Port Arthur famous for the right reasons.
A tax for everything
alison gordon | September 30, 2008If we want to encourage more people to enter the housing market, there needs to be some incentive for them to do so.
Define a “Working Family”?
alison gordon | May 14, 2008Is the introduction of means testing for welfare payments such as the baby bonus really going to bring us all closer together – or just reinforce a class divide and "us vs. them" mentality?
Let’s hear it for Sydney
alison gordon | March 19, 2008Sydney scores 8% lower than the "place to be" in a survey released today by recruiter Talent2.