• The face of evil

    Matthew Sharpe     |      November 24, 2023

    Adolf Eichmann presented himself as a petty apolitical bureaucrat following orders in a vain attempt to escape the gallows, but his own words revealed him to be a ruthless ideologue committed to the Nazi regime and its ghastly goal of annihilation.

  • The comforts of solitude

    Matthew Sharpe     |      October 31, 2020

    Over the past seven months, many of us have got closer to experiencing the kind of solitude long sought by monks, nuns, philosophers and misanthropes. For some, this has brought loneliness, but religions and literature have a rich tradition exploring the benefits of being alone.

  • How old ideas about tolerance can help us live more peacefully today

    Matthew Sharpe     |      April 22, 2019

    In the wake of the tragic attack in Christchurch, and the wider rise of anti-liberal forces, the answers to today’s urgent questions around tolerance may be found in the past.