Destination Mars
Steven Tingay | February 8, 2024Scientists have been working on ways to colonise Mars for almost a century, and the prospect of human exploration has been increased by the growth of ambitious private space companies like SpaceX.
The great game of asteroids
Steven Tingay | August 6, 2023Thousands of asteroids orbit our solar system, and our planet continues to have frequent but low-impact collisions with small asteroids, and rare but high-impact collisions with larger ones.
Space invaders
Steven Tingay | November 7, 2022The discovery of a “planet killer” asteroid named 2022 AP7 on the other side of the sun highlights the need to track and potentially disrupt near Earth objects which could pose a threat in the future.
Close encounters of the drone kind
Steven Tingay | May 24, 2022The United States Congress recently held a hearing into “unidentified aerial phenomena” and while it’s likely they’re drones of terrestrial origin, they’re rekindling interest into the possibility of alien visitation.
What to make of ‘Oumuamua
Steven Tingay | November 20, 2018We will never see ‘Oumuamua again, and we may never know exactly what it is, but its passing will have changed the world if it makes more children contemplate a career in science.