• The reign of King Boris

    Tom Quinn     |      December 17, 2019

    Boris Johnson stormed to a thumping win in the British general election, but how will he achieve his “one nation” agenda after he finally gets Brexit done?

  • Building a sustainable future

    Tom Quinn     |      September 19, 2012

    Nations around the world will look at the role green buildings and communities play during this World Green Building Week. Tom Quinn says Australia is recognised as a global leader in the green building space.

    This week is World Green Building Week, the annual celebration of how green buildings are driving sustainability improvements in our society and are helping combat climate change. Australia is at the forefront of this effort and is recognised a global leader in the green building space.

    Historically buildings had a reputation as voracious consumers of resources that gave little back. As we constructed our cities, factories and homes, we also built significant environmental problems. The issues still emanating from the industry are huge: The building sector generates forty per cent of all waste sent to landfill while buildings consume 40 per cent of all electricity and 12 per cent of potable water.