The future of religious education in Australia
Dr Anna Halafoff | March 27, 2013As the cultural fabric of Australian society becomes increasingly varied, Centre of Citizenship and Globalisation Research Fellow, Dr Anna Halafoff, examines why education about diverse religions and spiritual beliefs in Australia’s state schools is lagging far behind other nations.
Parenting – an ongoing education
Dr Julie Green | March 24, 2013As the education debate continues, Raising Children Network Executive Director, Dr Julie Green, examines the learning curve that is parenthood and the importance of education beyond the classroom.
21st century schools remain far away
Paul Grover | March 18, 2013Education curriculum expert, Paul Grover, examines why Australian schools still have a long way to go to reach the potential of the 21st century.
Australian students need improved parental engagement
Lance Emerson | March 14, 2013Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth CEO, Dr Lance Emerson, discusses the latest evidence-based report on the wellbeing of young Australians and outlines the necessary strategies to improve our educational performance on a global scale.
Why did we ever stray from phonetics-based learning?
Carolyn Pyne | March 12, 2013Assessing the dramatic decline in literacy standards among Australian students, Carolyn Pyne examines how traditional pedagogy weighs up against modern techniques that appear to be failing our children.
Australian Curriculum online consultation
Open Forum | March 7, 2013The Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is conducting an online consultation on draft national curricula, from Foundation to Year 10, concerning health and physical education, Chinese and Italian language education, design and technologies, and digital technologies.
Teachers (aides) make a difference
Rosemary Bugge | March 4, 2013Learning Support Officer, Rosemary Bugge, shares her experience working in the Catholic education system for more than 10 years and reflects on the systemic changes that have taken place, both in and out of the classroom.
How policy makers fail students living with disabilty
Theresa Duncombe | March 1, 2013Assessing recent education reforms throughout the country, disability advocate, Theresa Duncombe, shares her experience as a mother of a child living with intellectual disability and the constant struggle in campaigning for equal education opportunities.