High-temperature superconductivity breakthrough
Open Forum | February 20, 2024An international team of scientists have made a new discovery that may help to unlock the microscopic mystery of high-temperature superconductivity and address the world’s energy problems.
A view from the swamp
Max Thomas | February 3, 2024The federal government has rejected a proposed expansion of Port Hastings in Westernport, southeast of Melbourne, given its potential environmental impact, although the project was seen as vital to the development an offshore wind industry.
AUKUS Christi?
Max Thomas | December 24, 2023Australia’s embrace of nuclear powered hunter-killer submarines seems at odds with the country’s long-standing opposition to nuclear generated electricity supplies.
Hydrogen makes itself at home
Hugh Davies | December 19, 2023Hydrogen can revolutionise clean energy, transport, decarbonise industrial processes … and cook your dinner.
Planning for a greener future
David Amiel | December 8, 2023Climate policies must move away from a reliance on green taxes and subsidies to enter the age of politics.
The scandal of Vales Point
Max Thomas | November 6, 2023The sorry saga of Vales Point Power Station in recent years highlights the muddled political thinking – and opportunistic private profit taking – which bedevil the energy sector to the detriment of the public it ostensibly serves.
Six ways to cut your hot water bill
Derek Lotts | October 20, 2023Soaring electricity bills and the prospect of a hot, dry summer should encourage consumers to find ways to save money and help the environment by economising on power and water.
Renewable backup power can boost disaster resilience
Ben Knight | October 3, 2023Households need more support to implement alternative energy solutions to help manage outages during bushfires and extreme weather events.
Using farm dams for pumped hydro storage
Ben Knight | September 10, 2023Tens of thousands of small-scale hydro energy storage sites could be built from Australia’s farm dams, supporting the uptake of reliable, low-carbon power systems in rural communities.
Future nuclear options
Peter Farley | September 7, 2023There are several new technologies which may transform the nuclear industry, possibly lowering costs and improving flexibility, but such promises have been made for decades and renewables are already proving their worth.
Is nuclear power a solution for Australia?
Peter Farley | September 6, 2023Nuclear power has again been proposed as a long-term solution for Australia’s energy problems, but the engineering issues and high cost of these plants still mitigates against their adoption.
Supporting the transition
Gissella Martinez | July 3, 2023The Net Zero Authority must pursue inclusive and enduring policies that allow the nation to make an energy transformation that is politically and economically acceptable.