• Two leaders with the right stuff

    Ian Munro     |      July 14, 2020

    Gladys Berejiklian and Sally Capp, the winners of the 2019 McKinnon Political Prize for Political Leadership, have successfully mixed strength with empathy in recent years.

  • Cutting food waste – through social media

    Open Forum     |      July 14, 2020

    Australians who have been economically impacted by COVID-19 are doing it tough. The bills keep coming in and the family still needs to be fed. Yet the average Australian family continues to waste around $3,000 per year on food that isn’t being eaten.

  • Social support and mental wellbeing in retirement

    Life Course Centre     |      July 8, 2020

    While retirement is a significant life event, there has been little research on whether and how social support may evolve around retirement.

  • Embracing the new normal

    Terry Bowles     |      May 27, 2020

    COVID-19 restrictions have gone on long enough to establish new habits. So what do we want to keep doing and stop doing, both individually and as a community?

  • Going green beats the blues

    Caroline Tang     |      May 15, 2020

    A group of UNSW cross-discipline experts discuss the benefits of plants, gardening and green spaces during COVID-19.

  • 5 ways to cut your expenses during the coronavirus pandemic

    Derek Lotts     |      May 14, 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on domestic finances as well as the national economy but simple measures to cut expenditure and perhaps boost income can help families survive the current lock-down.

  • Bored? Try a board game!

    Melissa Rogerson     |      April 29, 2020

    Online gaming and other forms of screen time can help pass the time in isolation, but old-fashioned board games bring family members together and offer real interaction, challenges and fun.

  • We live, as we dream, alone

    Open Forum     |      April 29, 2020

    The initial phase of the pandemic saw mass panic buying and the spreading of fearful messages, but while this fear has subsided, people can expect to feel myriad emotions as we progress through the remainder of our time in isolation.

  • Coping emotionally with COVID-19

    Katie Greenaway     |      April 23, 2020

    In a time when we feel we can’t manage our environment, there are still some effective ways to manage our feelings to help us cope better.

  • Casualties of the work from home revolution

    Yolande Strengers     |      April 21, 2020

    Coronavirus is expected to start a working from home revolution for those not on the essential services ‘frontline’, or left unemployed, but this may prove a different experience for men and women.

  • Follow your animal instincts to all get along

    Terry Bowles     |      April 20, 2020

    Self-isolating families can bring the worst out in each other, so here’s how to avoid becoming a shark, turtle or fox by channeling your inner penguin, teddy-bear or owl.

  • Isolation, my dad and me

    Andrew Dawson     |      April 16, 2020

    Social isolation is a double-edged sword especially for some older people. Although COVID-19 can kill, so too can loneliness, and so it’s up to all of us to stay in touch with our older family members and friends.