• Governments are making fake news a crime – but will it stifle free speech?

    Alana Schetzer     |      July 10, 2019

    Whenever governments get involved in policing the media – even for the best-intended reasons – there is always the possibility of corruption and a reduction in genuine free speech.

  • Cash for clicks?

    Leon Gettler     |      July 8, 2019

    The decision of the Herald Sun to pay its journalists cash bonuses for extra page views and subscriptions could have major implications for the future of the news industry and its role in our democracy.

  • The problems of policing the post-Christchurch internet

    Open Forum     |      June 29, 2019

    The Australian Parliament has passed legislation to punish social media platforms showing violent videos, but is the reaction to the Christchurch massacre right in principle and can it be effective in practice?

  • Australia’s media should reflect its cultural diversity

    Helen Vatsikopoulos     |      June 23, 2019

    As we face a growing tide of unregulated hate speech, the role of the media is crucial in normalising diversity and demolishing the “othering” of difference that divides us. So how is the Australian media faring in the diversity stakes?

  • Australians turn their back on the news

    Caroline Fisher     |      June 14, 2019

    A new survey suggests that Australians are less interested in news and consume less of it than people in similar countries. Two thirds of Australians have no interest in politics at all. What are the consequences of this growing apathy for Australian public debate?

  • 5 ways to improve election coverage

    Rodney Tiffen     |      June 4, 2019

    Political parties examine their election results and look to improve, but media organisations seldom question their role or performance. Here are five ways they could help provide better electoral coverage.

  • Rugby Australia vs Israel Folau

    Jack Anderson     |      May 2, 2019

    A hearing on Wallabies star Israel Folau’s alleged breach of contract over his social media posts is set to pit Rugby Australia’s code of conduct against issues of fairness and even human rights.

  • How fake news gets into our minds, and what you can do to resist it

    Julian Matthews     |      April 18, 2019

    The way our memory works means it might be impossible to resist fake news completely but thinking like a scientist could help. This involves adopting a questioning attitude that is motivated by curiosity, and being aware of personal bias.

  • Goodbye Google+, but what happens when online communities close down?

    Stan Karanasios     |      April 5, 2019

    Google+ is the latest online community to shut down, forcing users to seek other options. So why are organisations pulling away from user-generated content such as reviews, comments and debates?

  • Media and broadcasting in the age of hate

    Graeme Dobell     |      March 26, 2019

    The tragic events in Christchurch pose, yet again, agonising questions for journalists as well as politicians and policy makers.

  • How second hand social media profiling can target you

    Open Forum     |      January 23, 2019

    A new study has found that people can be accurately profiled by using data from their friends’ accounts, even when they have deleted their own social media.

  • How ‘access journalism’ undermines real investigations

    Peter Manning     |      January 22, 2019

    An allegation is not necessarily a story, nor is a “link to something” automatically evidence. There needs to be larger conversation about what constitutes proper public evidence, proper reliable sources and transparency