Rethinking strata reform
strataman | February 14, 2012With the rapidly changing landscape of housing in New South Wales, Strataman says it is time to rethink our entire approach to strata. ”While commerce around the world is at a ‘change point’, Strata is no different.”
Union calls for greater say from tenants on strata laws
Chris Martin | February 12, 2012Strata laws affect everyone in the scheme, even renters. Chris Martin from the Tenants’ Union of NSW says it is about time tenants’ rights were taken into account by strata regulations.
Recommendations for strata law reform
Clover Moore | February 10, 2012To ensure apartment living remains an attractive choice in the future, the law needs to keep pace with changes to apartment living and the needs and expectations of owners and residents. Clover Moore shares her thoughts on Strata Law reform.
Importance of creating reasonable by-laws
Cathy Sherry | February 9, 2012Strata and community title legislation gives owners an extraordinary power not given to any other owners of property: the power to write by-laws for their neighbours, regulating not only what they do on commonly-owned property, but what they do in their own home. Cathy Sherry, University of New South Wales Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, explains the importance of capping the number of by-laws.
Citizen empowerment through social media
Peter Fritz | February 6, 2012TCG Group managing Director Peter Fritz reviewed citizen empowerment, social media and the use of internet interaction in policy making at last week's Herzliya Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel.
The genie left the bottle around 1450-1455, with Guttenburg’s practical application of printing using moveable type. Bibles first, then self-improvement manuals, and then newspapers.
By 1900, there were 70 different newspaper titles published each day in Paris alone. Then TV. It could be claimed that TV transmissions of Dallas into East Germany had a role in collapse of the Berlin Wall.
Now there are over 1.5 billion people worldwide, linked into social media of one form or another. The hunger for access and influence has not changed. The only thing that has changed is reach.
Unlocking land for urban renewal
Stephen Albin | February 3, 2012The current strata scheme legislation in NSW is the most significant hurdle to the urban renewal of our major population centres, and Stephen Albin writes that meaningful reform is needed.
Sydney is a city under immense population pressure. In the next 24 years alone, existing urban areas will need to accommodate at least 539,000 new homes, according to the Metropolitan Plan for Sydney 2036. Strata reform is essential to allow urban renewal and the supply of more homes that are safe, affordable, environmentally-sound, and appealing to live in.
Smoke-free guide clears the air for strata dwellers
Anne Jones | January 30, 2012Tobacco smoke drifting into your lounge room from the unit below has long been considered something that just has to be put up within high-density living. Anne Jones looks at solutions for resolving smoking disputes in strata buildings.
Turn your strata thinking forwards before making changes
Francesco Andreone | January 27, 2012Strata law has undergone a series of small changes since it’s introduction in New South Wales in 1961. According to Francesco Andreone small changes are no longer enough – what is needed is a major rethink.
Strata reform to recognise lifestyle changes
Tim McKibbin | January 23, 2012Strata living is growing in popularity and with this trend expected to continue Tim McKibbin believes now is the appropriate time to revisit the existing legislative framework.
Mission Statements for strata plans
JimmyT | January 20, 2012Having a clear idea about what you are buying into would help prevent future conflicts for those living in apartments. Jimmy Thomson explores the idea of creating Mission Statements for Strata plans.
I’ve been writing about strata for about eight or nine years now, starting with the book Apartment Living and then for the past six years my newspaper column, its related website and readers’ forum. One thing that struck me throughout this period is that the people who write to complain – and they rarely write to say how happy they are – aren’t frustrated and angry because they haven’t been given enough, but because they haven’t received what they paid for and were promised.
Pets in Strata – recognising benefits and balance
Open Forum | January 13, 2012Pets are a popular part of the lives of most Australians and with the increasing popularity of higher density living, the best way to manage pet ownership in strata accommodation is an important issue for pet owners and strata communities across Australia, according to Susie Willis.
Strata law reform: there’s no easy fix
Michael Coutts-Trotter | January 10, 2012Problems in strata and community schemes are easily identified. Michael Coutts-Trotter is keen to look at balanced, innovative and practical solutions.