• Australia’s vanishing surface fleet

    Kim Beazley     |      January 22, 2024

    Australia’s navy is a fraction of its former size, and the focus on nuclear powered hunter killer submarines means there is little money left to expand the number of surface combatants.

  • Navy blues

    Bob Ford     |      December 24, 2023

    Australia’s failure to contribute a ship to allied efforts in the Red Sea to protect civilian shipping exemplifies a broader failure to support our allies and invest properly in naval capability.

  • Terror in our midst

    Justin Bassi     |      December 20, 2023

    The fact that unrepentant jihadist and convicted terrorist Abdul Nacer Benbrika is being released from jail into the community should concern every Australian.

  • Does Australia need a national security advisor?

    Danielle Cave     |      December 18, 2023

    Australia’s ability to navigate the world could be strengthened by appointing an influential and autonomous National Security Advisor who can work hand in glove with their global counterparts in tenacious pursuit of our interests.

  • Paper tigers

    Paul Dibb     |      December 2, 2023

    There is no shortage of appeasers in the West who believe that China’s military might renders support for Taiwan futile, but these are the same people who argued against supporting Ukraine faced with the ‘might’ of the Russian army.

  • People have the power

    Open Forum     |      November 21, 2023

    Despite the importance of new technology, people remain at the heart of Australia’s armed forces.

  • Protecting Australia

    Brendan Nicholson     |      November 12, 2023

    Australia’s most senior military officer has warned that the nation faces complex and interwoven threats including high-end military capabilities, economic coercion, climate change and AI-driven dangers to democracy in a post-truth world.

  • Weapons proliferation in the age of AI

    David Heslop     |      November 10, 2023

    Hostile states, terrorist groups and aggrieved individuals now have access to technologies and informational aids that used to be the stuff of science fiction, and policy makers must confront advanced weapons proliferation in the new age of AI.

  • Cable sabotage in the Baltic Sea

    Mercedes Page     |      November 3, 2023

    The damaging of two subsea telecommunications cables and a gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea by a Chinese container vessel underlines the reliance of the western world on these cables and the need to protect them from hostile authoritarian regimes.

  • Reviving the Royal Australian Fleet Auxiliary

    Jennifer Parker     |      October 16, 2023

    In an era of reduced strategic warning time, bold decisions are necessary and risk must be accepted to gain strategic and operational advantage. Re-establishing the Royal Australian Fleet Auxiliary is an option worth considering.

  • Operation Malabar

    Ashok Sharma     |      September 3, 2023

    The recent iteration of the Malabar military exercises is an illustration of the growing military interoperability, mutual trust, and coordinated response of the Quad countries. More are needed to maintain stability and security in the Indo-Pacific, threatened increasingly by China’s military assertiveness.

  • Rebooting Australia’s defence industry

    Roland Stephens     |      August 9, 2023

    Australia needs a powerful department that spans industry, trade and investment, mandated with extensive powers and equipped with resources to shape the economy to strategic needs.