• United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation

    Open Forum     |      February 4, 2013

    The United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation is being celebrated in 2013. The year is designed to raise awareness, both on the potential for increased cooperation, and on the challenges facing water management in light of the increase in demand for water access, allocation and services. It will act to highlight issues associated with water education, water diplomacy, transboundary water management, financing cooperation and national/international legal frameworks.

  • New organisation to redefine measurements of progress and wellbeing

    Andrew Gale     |      September 19, 2012

    Traditional measurements of wellbeing and progress are losing their relevance in today's world. Following a taskforce on progress in society, Global Access Partners (GAP) has established the Australian Society for Progress and Wellbeing. Andrew Gale launched the Society on 13 September.

  • A Sustainable Future

    editor     |      April 30, 2012

    A Sustainable Future forum logo

  • Female homelessness on International Women’s Day

    editor     |      March 2, 2012

    On International Women’s Day 2012 Homelessness Australia wants us to remember that women make up almost half of those experiencing homelessness in Australia.

  • Better solutions for dispute resolution

    Kay Ransome     |      February 19, 2012

    Disputes in strata schemes can and do occur.  Chairperson of the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal, Kay Ransome, wonders whether there may be a better dispute resolution model.

    It is an unfortunate fact of life that disputes in strata and community schemes can and do arise.

    The requirement in the present legislation for mediation of disputes is an important step in achieving solutions parties can work with.  For matters which do not resolve at mediation, there are currently different paths to determination depending on the type of dispute – an adjudication and a hearing before the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal (CTTT).

  • Community Housing regulation: Have your say

    editor     |      December 9, 2011

    Community HousingHousing Ministers across Australia agreed to a blueprint for a National Regulatory System for community housing providers.

    The proposed system seeks to introduce nationally consistent regulatory arrangements to promote the growth of the community housing sector nationally.

    The new system will aim to improve tenant outcomes and protect vulnerable tenants, protect government funding and equity in the sector, and enhance investor and partner confidence.

    Please make a public submission or comment on the system design or learn more about the system, which is expected to begin in 2013, at www.nrsch.gov.au.


  • Measuring our quality of life — why is the world looking beyond GDP?

    Stephen Bartos     |      November 1, 2011

    When the term Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was developed in the 1930s the market value of all goods and services produced within a country was considered to be the best indicator of a country’s standard of living. Now it’s widely recognised that other factors have to be taken into account when looking at a country’s success as a happy, safe place to live. Prof Stephen Bartos, advocates exploring how the ‘economics of happiness’ can be used to inform national policy.

    Gross domestic product per capita is a useful, measure of national well-being from an economic perspective.

    The severity of the 1930s Great Depression highlighted the need for a tool to assist policy makers to understand the state of their economies, and most importantly whether the policies they had in place were effective.

  • Measuring Australia’s economic and social progress

    Stephen Bartos     |      September 8, 2011

    Australian measures of life satisfaction have declined in recent years, despite solid growth in GDP.  The Global Access Partners Task Force on Progress in Society, established following the 2010 National Economic Review Summit, has been exploring how the ‘economics of happiness’ could be used to inform national policy.

    Since last year, a group of senior public sector, private sector and academic thinkers, brought together under the auspices of Sydney-based public policy think tank Global Access Partners (GAP), has been addressing the issue of measures of progress. 

  • Measures to start addressing affordable rental housing

    Andrew Meehan     |      November 6, 2008

    It is now widely accepted that Australia has a huge housing affordability problem. Indeed, rarely a day goes by in the media without discussion of house prices, interest rates, first home buyers, and the lack of affordability.

  • WA Housing Roundtable

    Scott Ludlam     |      November 5, 2008

    This is a sector that has been in crisis for so long that the word barely holds meaning; people simply should not have to work under this kind of stress and official neglect.

  • Many Faces to the Housing Crisis

    Stan Small     |      October 30, 2008

    The Government should allocate more resources towards the provision of public and community housing as a matter of urgency. Unfortunately, that's a much harder sell to the electorate than the First Home Buyers Grant.

  • A tax for everything

    alison gordon     |      September 30, 2008

    If we want to encourage more people to enter the housing market, there needs to be some incentive for them to do so.