Could current rovers find life on Mars?
Belinda Ferrari | February 24, 2023New research published in Nature Communications suggests the equipment carried by Mars rovers might not be able to detect life on the Red Planet, even if it exists there, as it can fail to do so on Earth.
Australia in space
Namrata Goswami | February 10, 2023Australia needs a broad strategy to ensure its rightful place in the international space and security order.
The search for life
Alan Stevenson | February 3, 2023Technological advances are improving our ability to detect signs of alien intelligence in the universe, but would we be able to recognise it if we found it?
The trouble with rubble
Open Forum | January 24, 2023Curtin University-led research into the durability and age of an ancient asteroid made of rocky rubble and dust, revealed significant findings that could contribute to potentially saving the planet if one ever hurtled toward Earth.
Five space missions for 2023
Ian Whittaker | January 1, 2023Interest in the space sector remains high and with a tranche of bold advances and launches due in 2023, we are entering a new phase of progress echoing the “Golden era” of space launches in the 1960s and ’70s.
From the outback to orbit
Open Forum | December 6, 2022How does a young girl from Wollongong studying Industrial Chemistry at UNSW Sydney go on to become an astronaut trainee with the European Space Agency?
Unlocking the secrets of Wasp-39B
Joanna Barstow | November 30, 2022Data from NASA’s James Webb space telescope is unveiling the chemical make-up of an exoplanet, offering another step forward in the search for extra-terrestrial life.
New space education project is out of this world
Scott Sleap | November 29, 2022The award of a Churchill Fellowship will allow an Australian educator to learn from leading space experts at NASA, top tier universities and an international space exploration conference in Houston, Texas to enrich his teaching of STEM students at home.
Smith and Houston, we have a problem
Marcus Hellyer | November 25, 2022The two independent leads of Australia’s defence strategic review, Stephen Smith and Angus Houston, have got their work cut out for them.
The space race hots up
Genevieve Donnellon-May | November 24, 2022The theoretical possibility of generating power in space and beaming it back to Earth is fast becoming a reality, opening up new economic opportunities and channels of super power competition.
Tracking emissions from space
Open Forum | November 22, 2022CO2-tracking satellites can observe and measure changes in CO2 emissions from a large power plant, allowing us to trace greenhouse gas emissions right back to the source, according to new research from Canada.
Back to the Moon
Malcolm Davis | November 18, 2022After two launch scrubs due to fuel leaks and a hurricane, NASA has taken a giant leap back to the moon after almost 50 years’ absence with the successful launch of the Artemis I mission.