Beyond Ukraine: Three security challenges that must set Biden’s agenda
James Arvanitakis | January 31, 2022While the dark shadow of Russia looms over Ukraine, US President Joe Biden must also keep in mind a wider range of internal, external and existential challenges at home and abroad.
A brief history of sanctions
Tyler Kustra | January 29, 2022Economic and diplomatic sanctions against other nations have been used in lieu of war for many centuries, although their effectiveness in curbing the excesses of others is mixed.
Last chance saloon
Peter Jennings | January 28, 2022Russian dictator Vladimir Putin remains intent on invading Ukraine, but offering him a way out without losing face, while underlining the high price of war could still avert conflict.
The west must stand up for Ukraine
Marko Pavlyshyn | January 27, 2022The West needs to stand up against Putin’s bullying of Ukraine and show determination, unity, and a serious commitment to uphold international legal norms and defend freedom and democracy against Russia’s authoritarian and neo-imperial designs.
Understanding Putin’s threat to Ukraine
Tatsiana Kulakevich | January 25, 2022Vladimir Putin’s military build-up on the Ukraine border threatens to plunge Europe into a wider war, and appeasement or acquiescence will only bolster his dreams of restoring the Soviet empire.