Energy Futures Enquiry completed

The Futures Project has launched its report following the Energy Futures Enquiry, run in association with AGL.
The motivation of the enquiry was to capture the wisdom of crowds and identify consumer preferences in regard to energy delivery technology in the future.
The enquiry – Meeting Electricity Demand Growth and Supply Pressures over the Coming 20 Years – was directed over a three-month billing cycle in 2013 to all of AGL’s 420,000 online customers. Each customer was invited to participate in the enquiry by identifying (and scoring) his or her preference between four alternative scenarios to meeting energy demand over the coming twenty years.
Each customer was also requested to provide comment for or against each of the four scenarios. Each participant was then asked to make recommendations as to specific actions that should be taken today to increase the probability of achieving a nominated preferred outcome in the near future.
The four scenarios, each one of which could provide a way of meeting or avoiding the need to significantly increase energy generation capacity over the coming twenty years, were the following (scored in descending order):
- Going Greener
- Unlock the Hidden Resource
- Consider the Nuclear Option and
- Enhance Known Technologies.
Respondent commentary and recommended actions are detailed in the full report are available here.

Open Forum is a policy discussion website produced by Global Access Partners – Australia’s Institute for Active Policy. We welcome contributions and invite you to submit a blog or follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Mastadon. and Bluesky.
July 4, 2013 at 9:30 am
The Futures Project is a
The Futures Project is a smart move to an efficient electricity source today and in the future. America is now going towards natural source of energy like wind turbines. In fact, the Obama administration is touting the renewal of subsidies for renewable energy sources, as a law creating a number of subsidies for wind energy generation, among other sources, is set to expire at the end of the year. The reason the administration wants to renew the subsidy is that without it, the cost of wind energy could rise 30 percent, which wind energy producers and equipment manufacturers typically receive in federal subsidies.