Australia’s Health

| February 8, 2018

Please join us as we explore Australia’s health. What does the future look like and what is the potential for innovators to leave a lasting legacy, one with the potential to both enhance our life expectancy whilst also improving our quality of life?

Health spending absorbs a large and increasing percentage of government budgets every year and is set to steadily increase as both our growing and ageing population expands and we continue to use health services more frequently and engage more closely in self-care.

Chair of Innovation Science Australia Bill Ferris suggested in a recent speech to the National Press Club that innovation could be the key to taking Australia to the pinnacle of healthy nations. The report he was launching, Australia 2030: Prosperity Through Innovation, suggests greater funding for research and development, specifically in the areas of genomics and precision medicine making them an ideal “first National Mission, delivering health and innovation benefits to all”.

The recent WEF Forum in Davos recognised 5 key trends for the future of healthcare as areas of growth and possible game changers. They are immune-oncology, gene therapy, personalised medicine, artificial intelligence, and wearable digital devices. But innovation and better health outcomes is not limited to these areas. We also want improved data sharing, smarter or more open policies, novel payments and new business models, as well as greater cooperation along the healthcare chain, the end result being better patient outcomes and better value across the health system.

The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association 2017 report proposes using technology better for improved health outcomes. This is all a long way removed from the fundamental game changer in the history of health – the simple but never to be underestimated habit of simply washing ones’ hands!

Please join me as we explore the future of Australia’s health and the legacy innovators can leave that will both enhance our life expectancy whilst also improving our quality of life.

Please contact me on with your suggestions.

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