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Unlocking land for urban renewal
Stephen Albin | February 3, 2012The current strata scheme legislation in NSW is the most significant hurdle to the urban renewal of our major population centres, and Stephen Albin writes that meaningful reform is needed.
Sydney is a city under immense population pressure. In the next 24 years alone, existing urban areas will need to accommodate at least 539,000 new homes, according to the Metropolitan Plan for Sydney 2036. Strata reform is essential to allow urban renewal and the supply of more homes that are safe, affordable, environmentally-sound, and appealing to live in.
Celebrations for NAIDOC Week
editor | February 3, 2012NAIDOC Week celebrations will be held across Australia this week to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Bikie attack prompts reintroduction of SA bill
Dennis Hood | February 2, 2012Bikie gang violence has hit the headlines again following the death of the son of a South Australian Comanchero. In the light of this attack, South Australian Family First MP, Dennis Hood, plans to reintroduce a bill to prevent SA courts from giving suspended sentences for an offender’s second serious offence.
Fat Free TV takes a healthy step to tackle obesity
Kathy Chapman | February 1, 2012There is growing evidence that banning ads promoting junk food to children is likely to cut down their consumption. But Kathy Chapman, from Cancer Council NSW, says that in the abscence of regulations parental control is an essential part of the solution.
The growing influence of junk food advertising upon childhood obesity is a topic often debated in the media. Some call for banning junk food advertising when children watch TV and some contest whether ad bans will work, decrying a ‘nanny state’.
One cannot deny, however, the complexity surrounding childhood obesity and the need to act. One in four Australian children is considered overweight, and unfortunately a high proportion of these overweight children will become overweight adults, increasing their chance of chronic disease like cancer, heart disease and diabetes along the way.
2012 highlights a new generation of farmers
Geoff Bell | January 31, 2012Without farmers we would have nothing to eat and nothing to wear, yet their importance to the Australian economy is often overlooked by a nation of urban dwellers. Geoff Bell looks at why we should all embrace 2012 as the Australian Year of the Farmer.
Smoke-free guide clears the air for strata dwellers
Anne Jones | January 30, 2012Tobacco smoke drifting into your lounge room from the unit below has long been considered something that just has to be put up within high-density living. Anne Jones looks at solutions for resolving smoking disputes in strata buildings.
Turn your strata thinking forwards before making changes
Francesco Andreone | January 27, 2012Strata law has undergone a series of small changes since it’s introduction in New South Wales in 1961. According to Francesco Andreone small changes are no longer enough – what is needed is a major rethink.
White Australia Day – or Multicultural Movement Day?
Sue Ellson | January 26, 2012We have only been celebrating Australian Day on the actual date – 26 January – since 1994 when the public holiday was declared. The message of inclusiveness has stayed the same but Sue Ellson asks if it's time for an update.
Australia Day 2012 has enabled various initiatives to gain media coverage highlighting the issues faced by indigenous Australians and migrants.
Fighting for the right to flourish
Clive Leach | January 25, 2012Australia Day is a good time to reflect on why Australians in same-sex relationships are still having to fight for their right to marry and live life at their best. Clive Leach looks at why Australia seems unwilling to embrace this branch of diversity.
It’s Australia Day on 26 January and time to celebrate what’s great about Australia! With a shift in focus to reconciliation, and recognition of the rich cultural diversity of the population it’s a day to embrace citizenship, be inspired by truly great Australians and look positively towards a flourishing future.
Interesting word –flourishing. It conjures up images of thriving, growing strong, blossoming and blooming, bearing fruit, living with abundance and giving back.
Strata reform to recognise lifestyle changes
Tim McKibbin | January 23, 2012Strata living is growing in popularity and with this trend expected to continue Tim McKibbin believes now is the appropriate time to revisit the existing legislative framework.
UncategorisedBack to School: Stay Smart Online
editor | January 23, 2012The Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy has launched a Back-to-School information page for students and parents.
The page contains hints and tips to stay safe and secure online, including the following:
Set strong passwords, particularly for important online accounts and change them regularly – consider making a diary entry as a reminder.