• Culture

    Room to dream

    Alexander Howard |  January 19, 2025

    Best known for films such as Eraserhead, Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive and the hugely influential television series Twin Peaks, American director David Lynch has died at the age of 78.

  • Politics and Policy

    Preparing for Trump

    Malcolm Davis |  January 19, 2025

    How should Australia react to the likely geo-political priorities of Donald Trump’s second term in power?

  • China

    The shape of things to come

    Bill Sweetman |  January 19, 2025

    In the past Chinese military aviation relied on crude copies of Soviet planes. Today’s Chinese airforce fields large numbers of modern aircraft based on stolen Western designs. Tomorrows Chinese airforce may take the lead, just as China has in other areas of techology, and the “J-XX” may be the shape of things to come.

Latest Story

  • Smoke-free guide clears the air for strata dwellers

    Anne Jones     |      January 30, 2012

    Tobacco smoke drifting into your lounge room from the unit below has long been considered something that just has to be put up within high-density living. Anne Jones looks at solutions for resolving smoking disputes in strata buildings.

  • Turn your strata thinking forwards before making changes

    Francesco Andreone     |      January 27, 2012

    Strata law has undergone a series of small changes since it’s introduction in New South Wales in 1961. According to Francesco Andreone small changes are no longer enough – what is needed is a major rethink.

  • White Australia Day – or Multicultural Movement Day?

    Sue Ellson     |      January 26, 2012

    We have only been celebrating Australian Day on the actual date – 26 January – since 1994 when the public holiday was declared. The message of inclusiveness has stayed the same but Sue Ellson asks if it's time for an update.

    Australia Day 2012 has enabled various initiatives to gain media coverage highlighting the issues faced by indigenous Australians and migrants. 

  • Fighting for the right to flourish

    Clive Leach     |      January 25, 2012

    Australia Day is a good time to reflect on why Australians in same-sex relationships are still having to fight for their right to marry and live life at their best. Clive Leach looks at why Australia seems unwilling to embrace this branch of diversity.

    It’s Australia Day on 26 January and time to celebrate what’s great about Australia! With a shift in focus to reconciliation, and recognition of the rich cultural diversity of the population it’s a day to embrace citizenship, be inspired by truly great Australians and look positively towards a flourishing future.

    Interesting word –flourishing. It conjures up images of thriving, growing strong, blossoming and blooming, bearing fruit, living with abundance and giving back.

  • BrainyApp applies brain games to brain health

    Suha Ali     |      January 23, 2012

  • Strata reform to recognise lifestyle changes

    Tim McKibbin     |      January 23, 2012

    Strata living is growing in popularity and with this trend expected to continue Tim McKibbin believes now is the appropriate time to revisit the existing legislative framework.

  • Uncategorised

    Back to School: Stay Smart Online

    editor     |      January 23, 2012

    Stay Smart Online thumbThe Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy has launched a Back-to-School information page for students and parents.


    The page contains hints and tips to stay safe and secure online, including the following:

    Set strong passwords, particularly for important online accounts and change them regularly – consider making a diary entry as a reminder.

  • Mission Statements for strata plans

    JimmyT     |      January 20, 2012

    Having a clear idea about what you are buying into would help prevent future conflicts for those living in apartments. Jimmy Thomson explores the idea of creating Mission Statements for Strata plans.

    I’ve been writing about strata for about eight or nine years now, starting with the book Apartment Living and then for the past six years my newspaper column, its related website and readers’ forum. One thing that struck me throughout this period is that the people who write to complain – and they rarely write to say how happy they are – aren’t frustrated and angry because they haven’t been given enough, but because they haven’t received what they paid for and were promised.

  • Online communities reject authority in favour of self-governance

    Jonathon Hutchinson     |      January 19, 2012

    Online communities are like most communities – they operate best when everyone follows a series of unwritten, but accepted, rules. According to Jonathon Hutchinson they also work best in a collaborative environment.

    The role assumed by institutions which directly develop and support online communities has emerged as a crucial factor in the development of self-governance models for online communities engaging in collaborative practices.

    Commonly, online communities reject top-down governance models in favour of a meritocracy that positions users in authoritative positions because of their online performance.

  • Reincarnation for e-waste, not a dead end

    Janet Leslie     |      January 18, 2012

    What happens to old computers when they die? Obsolete electronic goods, or e-waste, is one of the fastest growing waste types globally. Janet Leslies looks at a way out of the landfill and into recycling.

  • Digital participation gap looms

    Don Perlgut     |      January 16, 2012

  • Alternative actions needed to stop live animal exports

    Jodie Jankevics     |      January 16, 2012

    The plight of live animals exported to Indonesia was highlighted last year with a media expose triggered by cruelty in local abattoirs. As the Federal Government discusses new policies, Jodie Jankevics calls for a complete stop to the practice.