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Critical factors for successful corporate sustainability
Les Pickett | July 1, 2010The United Nations Global Compact corporate sustainability report has just been released.
Sustainability is critical to future corporate success; a critical element in driving growth and a source of cost efficiencies and revenue growth.
The key findings of a survey of 760 CEOs from around the world, the largest research study of top executives on sustainability issues, were released in New York on 22 June 2010.
Critical issues include:
Deputy PM to open GAP Summit
editor | July 1, 2010On Thursday 16 September 2010, The Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, the Hon. Wayne Swan, will deliver the keynote address at the opening dinner of the Global Access Partners event National Economic Review: Australia’s Annual Growth Summit. DETAILS >>
Open letter to the G20 leaders
patrickcallioni | June 28, 2010Markets make money whether the economy is going up or down – it is only the rest who stand to lose.It is apparent that the global economy is still very fragile and that a return to recession (or worse) is still possible. This is the worst possible time for governments in developed economies to cut public expenditure.Yes, it is true that the ratio of government debt to GDP is too high in some countries (but not Germany, so why are they cutting expenditure?) and that long term stability demands something be done to reduce that ratio. However, as with any ratio, there are two ways of reducing this one, not just one. We can cut expenditure or increase GDP.
God save the constitutional monarchy, because nothing would save us from a President
JEQP | June 25, 2010Viewing the spill as an endorsement for our current political system.
Let’s be clear from the start: I’m not a monarchist. I know that our head of state is named Elizabeth, and that relatives include Andrew, Charles, Diana and the Queen Mum, although I understand some of these are deceased.
I’m not pro-monarchy, I’m anti-president.
Gas can be dirtier than coal but Government & NGOs falsely assert that gas is clean energy
Dr Gideon Polya | June 24, 2010The Australian Labor Government is utterly incorrect in its repeated assertion that “natural gas is clean energy”. However this untruth remains formally uncorrected and is now spreading through society, through media and even into the environment movement as outlined below. [1].
The truth is otherwise – natural gas is dirty energy and on combustion is twice as carbon dioxide (CO2) polluting as brown coal on a weight basis. Further, in Victoria the carbon pollution currently ranges from 1.2-1.5 tonnes C/MWh for major brown coal plants and 0.6-0.9 tonnes C/MWh for major gas-fired plants – gas may be “clean-er” on this basis but is certainly not “clean”. [2].
Green Capital Global Challenge
Les Pickett | June 22, 2010The Carbon War Room has announced the first wave of cities selected to participate in the Green Capital Global Challenge.
Economy, Ecology, Electorate…..
Sean.Rooney | June 22, 2010At the recent National Business Leaders Forum on Sustainable Development at Parliament House in Canberra, one of the most senior politicians in the land addressed the Forum offering his perspective on the sustainability agenda and business. He stated that in order to have sustainable communities we must first have a sustainable economy.
This hierarchy of economy before society appears to be at odds with Bjorn Stigson’s (President of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development) view when he states that ‘business cannot succeed in societies that fail’.
Australian Citizenship: Passion or Process?
Sue Ellson | June 22, 2010I was very honoured to be a conferree’s guest at Australia’s largest Australian Citizenship Ceremony held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) on Saturday, 19 June 2010.
When it comes to Social Innovation…every State is different
Brodie McCulloch | June 21, 2010An unnofficial survey of who’s who and who’s doing what in which state when it comes to social innovation.
Over the past few months I have been hunting down the right people to talk to about Social Enterprise and where it is currently heading in Australia. This stemmed from the desire to start a bike sharing social enterprise in the City of Fremantle, Western Australia and quickly finding out that very few people actually knew what I was talking about when I mentioned Social Enterprise and my Socially Innovative solution to inner city transportation.
Uncategorised2010 Australian International Design Awards Supporting Innovation
editor | June 21, 2010The Hon. Richard Marles MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Innovation and Industry on the role of good design and intellectual property in commercialising creative Aussie ideas. Read his blog >>
IT Security Threats to Small Business
Nick Savvides | June 18, 2010No business is too small to be a target of cyber crime.
The Internet and Information Technology have changed the way people, business and the government communicates. Even the smallest of businesses now depend on the Internet to operate and communicate with customers and have access to automated tools and technology that were previously only feasible for large organisations.
Victoria is a ticking health time bomb!
Les Pickett | June 17, 2010According to a recent survey by WorkHealth more than 40 per cent of the 56,000 Victorian employees surveyed have a high or very high risk of getting type 2 diabetes or heart disease.