• Politics and Policy

    Oligarchy in the USA

    Benjamin Jones |  January 18, 2025

    Outgoing US President Joe Biden warned “an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy” in his farewell address.

  • Media

    Freedom of speech v freedom from deception

    Tanisha Shah |  January 18, 2025

    Disinformation threatens Australian democratic processes and the failure of the proposed Disinformation and Misinformation bill highlights the urgent need for balanced regulation ahead of the 2025 elections.

  • Science and Technology

    Alien opinions

    Sean McMahon |  January 18, 2025

    The discovery of alien life seems closer than ever – just as it has for the last 100 years – so what do astrobiologists, terrestrial biologists and physicists think about the possibility of extraterrestrial life being discovered?

Latest Story

  • There is a spatial revolution coming

    Peter Woodgate     |      October 11, 2011

    Chief Executive Officer of the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRCSI), Peter Woodgate, delivered the following opening address at Global Access Partners' National Economic Review 2011: Australia’s Annual Growth Summit on Friday 16 September 2011.

  • Invest in health now for a better future

    Dr Mukesh Haikerwal AO     |      October 11, 2011

    Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, a General Medical Practitioner and Chair of Council of the World Medical Association, delivered the following address at Global Access Partners’ National Economic Review 2011: Australia’s Annual Growth Summit on Friday 16 September 2011.

    Health is very important to all Australians. The wellbeing of the nation extends beyond good health, ill health, clinical care, and beyond illness prevention to core parameters such as productivity, economic growth, confidence and the state of our own society. There are many social determinants of health that affect this, like nutrition.

  • Healthcare: We all have to play a major role

    Alan Castleman     |      October 11, 2011

  • NSW Government: Committed to addressing the challenges posed by demographic trends

    Hon. Andrew Stoner     |      October 10, 2011

    The NSW Deputy Premier, the Hon. Andrew Stoner MP, delivered the following opening address at Global Access Partners’ National Economic Review 2011: Australia’s Annual Growth Summit on Friday 16 September 2011.

    As Australia’s largest and most diverse economy, home to 32% of the country’s population, New South Wales should play a role in any national debate on the subject of growth.

    The NSW economy is larger than many national economies in the Asia Pacific, including Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines, and our workforce is 3.5 million strong.

    Sydney — the business hub of Australia — accounts for almost one quarter of Australia’s total annual output of goods and services.

  • Cyber Security: The bedrock for a better society or a cookie jar for scammers, terrorists and commercial opportunists?

    Fergus Neilson     |      October 9, 2011

    The rise of the digital economy has brought with it a host of new issues surrounding cyber security. Like other countries around the world, Australia is still grappling with its cyber safety future.

  • Uncategorised

    Barriers to Climate Change Adaptation: Public Inquiry

    editor     |      October 7, 2011

    PC report thumbnail

    The Productivity Commission invites interested parties to participate in an inquiry into regulatory and policy barriers to effective climate change adaptation.

    The Commission is looking to identify barriers that inhibit effective adaptation to unavoidable climate change, and high priority options for addressing those barriers.

    The Commission is to examine the costs and benefits of the options where it is feasible to do so, including a ‘no change’ (maintaining the status quo) option; and assess the role of markets (including insurance markets) and non-market mechanisms in facilitating adaptation, and the appropriateness of government intervention.

  • A better way: building healthy, safe and sustainable communities in the Northern Territory

    Jacqueline Phillips     |      October 6, 2011

    At this critical juncture in planning the future of the Northern Territory Intervention, ANTaR calls on both major parties to learn from the international development experience and work with Aboriginal people to plan the transition from intervention to sustainable futures.

    “There is a Third World in every First World… and vice-versa” — Trinh Minh Ha

    In June 2011 the Federal Government released a discussion paper, Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory, to consult with Northern Territory communities on the future of Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER), acknowledging that there is “still much to be done” to close the gap in the Northern Territory. 

  • What are we fighting for?

    Prof Kim Walker     |      October 6, 2011

    Following the release of a stakeholder report on Tertiary Music Education in Australia earlier this week, Dean of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Prof Kim Walker, reflects on the current state of professional music education in the country.

    Amid all the wonderful triumphs and successes achieved in recent years by students, faculty and alumni of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, individually and together, nationally and internationally, there remains one major problem to be addressed.  We would ignore it at our peril. 

  • Immigration: An inappropriate response to the ageing of Australia’s population

    Prof Bob Birrell     |      October 4, 2011

    Prof Bob Birrell, Co-director of the Centre for Population & Urban research at Monash University, delivered the following address at Global Access Partners’ National Economic Review 2011: Australia’s Annual Growth Summit on Friday 16 September 2011.

  • Uncategorised

    20 years after the Dawkins Review: Australian Tertiary Music Education report released

    editor     |      October 4, 2011

    report cover page

    Music faculties around Australia are at breaking point. Australian institutions are underfunded compared to their international counterparts and the current funding model fails to account for the higher costs incurred by high quality tuition. A failure to value artistic output as equivalent to the academic research which attracts funding exacerbates the situation. This demands a drastic revision of the national funding model and a greater recognition of the social and economic benefits of tertiary music to the Australian people. 

  • Population: Is it really the 800 pound gorilla lurking in our shadows?

    Fergus Neilson     |      October 4, 2011

    The world’s population is predicted to exceed seven billion during 2012. The changes brought on by this ever increasing growth are the subject of much debate in Australia and around the globe.

    When my father was born in India in 1902, the total world population was near enough 1.5 billion. When I was born in the UK in 1949 it had reached 2.5 billion. By the time my nephew’s first child is born in Sydney next year, total world population will have just gone over seven billion. This is an increase of over four-and-a-half times in 110 years. Compound that with an estimated five-fold increase in the average global GDP per capita over the same period and it is possible that we are looking at a 23-fold increase in the impact of humanity on a planet that hasn’t gotten any bigger in the last 110 years, and won’t be getting any bigger in the future.

  • Uncategorised

    Smart Transport for a Growing Nation: Discussion Paper

    editor     |      September 30, 2011

    thumbnailWhat do we want from our transport system? A discussion paper by the National Transport Commission highlights opportunities to improve transport over time to create a more sustainable system for Australia and seeks stakeholder views about these opportunities. The Commission will use your feedback to set the direction of its future work program.

    But hurry – your comments are needed by 14 October 2011.

    More information at http://www.ntc.gov.au/filemedia/Reports/SmarttransportNEW.pdf