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Stuck in the coal age, when the solar century has already begun
editor | May 21, 2008Martin Ferguson, let the cat out of the bag shortly after the Budget, when he said that carbon capture and storage would be "essential for the long-term sustainability of coal-fired power generation." With those words, he betrayed the fact that his government prioritises the coal sector’s profits over climate protection.
If that seems like a long bow to draw, look at the evidence that the Budget presents.
In the vital area of commercialisation of technologies, the myriad of renewable energy options that are ready to roll out now were allocated precisely zero for the coming year, with only $125 million in this term of government. Next to that, the pipedream that is ‘clean coal’ received $35 million this year and $250 million this term.
Democracy not Disunity
Douglascomms | May 21, 2008Let's drop the drivel and find a real story.
Salute to the worker, who works for the”Green” cause
foggy | May 20, 2008How many people since the planet Earth was created must have had their favorite spots?
US soldier refuses to serve in ‘illegal Iraq war’
editor | May 20, 2008By Andrew Bartlett
A US soldier has appeared at Congress, stating his refusal to serve in Iraq, citing grounds that the US military presence there "is unconstitutional and illegal."
Sergeant Matthis Chiroux had already served in Afghanistan, Germany, Japan, and the Philippines before he was honorably discharged and placed in the reserves, which immunises him against any cheap shots that he is just a coward. As a reservist, he was due to be deployed next month in Iraq. He's also showing further bravery by staying in the US and opening himself up to charges, rather than heading off to Canada or elsewhere.
A comprehensive national feed-in law
editor | May 20, 2008By Tim Hollo
A new Bill by Greens Senator Christine Milne advocates greater financial support for the commercialisation of renewable energy technologies.
Against the backdrop of several appalling Rudd Government Budget decisions that will undermine the renewables industry in Australia even further (some of which are detailed here), Christine Milne introduced a Private Member's Bill in the Senate this morning to establish an comprehensive national feed-in law.
Feed-in laws support the rapid and unlimited growth of the renewables sector by giving certainty to investors, guaranteeing them a market at a set price.
The climate Budget betrayal
editor | May 20, 2008By Christine Milne
Tuesday night's Budget was a slap in the face for all those Australians who voted for the Labor Party at the last election in the belief that a new government would be willing and able to make Australia a true global climate leader.
From the day he took leadership of the Labor Party, Kevin Rudd worked hard to present himself in contradistinction to John Howard on climate change. Climate was, more than anything else, supposed to be symbolic of the generational change from Howard to Rudd. My warnings at the time, that the Rudd Opposition had not fully digested the science, did not understand what was required, and was not offering well-thought out policy alternatives, did not fit into that narrative and were largely ignored. Hate to say it, but …
Measuring Success
Peter Fritz | May 16, 2008If someone takes the time to find your number and approach you with an idea or proposal, the very least you can to is return their call.
It’s who they are not what they are that makes great Australians really great
Neil Batt | May 15, 2008It's the people that matter, not the role.
Let kids ‘skin their knees’ to beat Cyberbullying
editor | May 15, 2008By Jody Melbourne
Give your kids freedom on the Internet rather than impose authority or try to limit them.
The "command and control" approach to keeping children safe from online Cyberbullying is doomed to fail in this age of social networking. Parents need to adopt a high-vigilance, low-touch approach when supporting their children to survive the epidemic of Cyberbullying that is sweeping Australia and many other countries. Last year, South Australian police revealed they were receiving reports of Cyberbullying on an almost daily basis.
"Cyberbullying" is a term coined to describe the age-old practice of schoolyard bullying extended online, using technology as a tool to harass an individual. Examples of Cyberbullying include spreading nasty rumours by email or online postings; publishing online or emailing embarrassing photos or videos; making abusive comments online; and even threatening or intimidating someone online.
The sorry state of our economy
StephenWilson | May 14, 2008Who do you get from business — which captain of industry — to enlighten us about the budget?
Here’s proof positive of the malaise that besets our once-clever country. In the lead-up to the budget last Monday, ABC radio’s “The World Today” interviewed just one senior business identity for their view on what the economy needed from the government. It was Gerry Harvey.
In a progressive, innovative, competitive country – like Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Ireland or Finland perhaps – you’d expect to hear from CEOs in smart, export-oriented industries, such as biotech, energy, IT or communications. But in Australia, the most influential magnate we have is a consumer goods retailer. Isn't it really pathetic that a country's economy can be so dominated by the retail sector? No wonder the chief economic policy lever in Australia is the blunt instrument of interest rates.
And to add insult to injury for those of us who wish we were cleverer, when interest rates are hiked to slow things down, the Gerry Harveys of the world proudly proclaim it's not making any difference to them. Nope, sales just keep on keep rising!
When interests collide…
Douglascomms | May 14, 2008Who comes first, the customer or the shareholder?
Define a “Working Family”?
alison gordon | May 14, 2008Is the introduction of means testing for welfare payments such as the baby bonus really going to bring us all closer together – or just reinforce a class divide and "us vs. them" mentality?