• Defence and Security

    On military service

    Tom McDermott |  February 8, 2025

    Military service has developed a checkered reputation in modern society, but it can still develop the values of humanity, empathy and compassion rather than degrading them.

  • Politics and Policy

    Truth in political advertising

    Yee-Fui Ng |  February 8, 2025

    Misleading political advertisements in the lead-up to an election campaign are perfectly legal and already being used to shape the outcome of the coming federal election.

  • Resilience

    Exploring Japan’s disaster parks

    Ai Tashiro |  February 8, 2025

    Japan’s “disaster prevention parks” preserve and pass on memories of earthquakes and other disasters to future generations.

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  • Measures to start addressing affordable rental housing

    Andrew Meehan     |      November 6, 2008

    It is now widely accepted that Australia has a huge housing affordability problem. Indeed, rarely a day goes by in the media without discussion of house prices, interest rates, first home buyers, and the lack of affordability.

  • Uncategorised


    Matthew Tukaki     |      November 6, 2008

    The election of Obama will see the rise of a new world order.

  • WA Housing Roundtable

    Scott Ludlam     |      November 5, 2008

    This is a sector that has been in crisis for so long that the word barely holds meaning; people simply should not have to work under this kind of stress and official neglect.

  • Uncategorised

    How do we Measure Creativity?

    Grant Crossley     |      November 5, 2008

    Many creative ventures are not a great success; but success is difficult to quantify, because a creative approach can lead to unexpected places.

    One of the most creative things I have done was take my first step into a design business of my own. I was creating unique T-shirts, for myself and friends – no two could be the same.

    First I used to place paint on a stretched out T-Shirt and spin at high speed on a machine I had developed. But I found after a while of washing the paint started to peel off.

    So I created a new design that first spread the paint out onto a Perspex board that was then transferred onto t-shirts and shirts like a screen print. Initially I just did it for myself, though then others started to ask me for them. I sold quite a few and just covered my costs. Though, I was more interested in the fun of making them and making designs for friends, so I never really made any profit.

  • Uncategorised

    The democracy of hypocrisy

    Reuben Brand     |      November 4, 2008

    Two rigged elections, 9/11, the hunt for Osama, Saddam’s WMDs, a pre-emptive strike and the war on terror.  A b-grade Hollywood movie? Or the past eight years of Bush in the White House?

    The new millennium was ushered in with the Y2K bug and the inauguration of the fourty-third  President of the United States of America.

    One of these was a malicious virus that would spread throughout the world wreaking havoc wherever it went; the other was a computer related problem.

    A lengthy election campaign saw Vice President Al Gore officially beat George W. Bush in the National Popular vote by over half a million. But Gore’s polar ice caps were soon to be melted as Bush fired up his election warming campaign and coerced the state of Florida to victory.

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    What’s the Most Creative Thing You’ve Done?

    ralphkerle     |      November 3, 2008

    Creativity should be understood in a much wider context than just the arts: businesses should be encouraging their creative thinkers.

    In the Developing Your Creative Leadership Capabilities programme which the Creative Leadership Forum offers, we always commence the day with a group dialogue based around the question "What is the most creative thing you have done in your life and how did it affect you?"

    The conversations that evolve out of this question never cease to amaze me, no matter how many times I have conducted this session. Relationships are re-defined by these conversations. People who have worked side by side for decades suddenly discover new things about the person next door they would have never imagined. People begin to see that creativity manifests itself in many guises instead of just the stereotypical view of the creative person as the "arty" type.

  • Uncategorised

    e-Health in Australia

    Tony Abbott     |      November 2, 2008

    The inability of ministers, public servants, managers, IT experts and health professionals to move the health sector into the modern world constitutes an important systemic failure.

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    Only rich parents need apply

    Susan Merrell     |      November 2, 2008

    Autism Spectrum Disorder affects one in 160 children. There's no known cause and no known cure.  The good news: there is an effective therapy achieving remarkable results. It's backed by scientific evidence and it's available in Australia. The bad news:  it's expensive. Medical rebates will not cover it.

  • Accountability, partners in the value chain and trans border data flows: looking elsewhere

    Malcolm Crompton     |      November 2, 2008

    As information flows ever more easily between jurisdictions, how can effective regulatory protections be put in place for the stakeholders?

    This question applies equally to the protection of intellectual property (IP) as it does to the protection of personal information (PI) or any other valuable information assets held by an organisation.  It also applies equally to organisations in the private sector, be they banks or online retailers, as it does to government agencies, be they policing agencies or anything else in various services (Customs, Immigration, national security etc) or even hybrid processes such as the exchange of Passenger Name Records between airlines and authorities or fulfilling anti money laundering obligations.

  • Uncategorised

    Heights of Inspiration

    foggy     |      November 1, 2008

    If you, perchance,should zoom in on a night scenario, and see a beautiful cityscape clearly outlined in a night for celeberations and thus illumined;would you for a moment think such a sight was only possible if the air was clear?No mists, no inclement weather, no fog smogs!Naturally you would think so.if it were a night, […]

  • Uncategorised

    The Great Firewall of Australia

    Open Forum     |      October 30, 2008

    Chinese style internet censorship – coming soon to a computer near you.

  • Many Faces to the Housing Crisis

    Stan Small     |      October 30, 2008

    The Government should allocate more resources towards the provision of public and community housing as a matter of urgency. Unfortunately, that's a much harder sell to the electorate than the First Home Buyers Grant.