The team will survey other platypus populations across NSW to find out where the species are going well and where animals could be sourced from for their reintroduction.
Researchers will begin this new project by surveying rivers in the 16,000 hectares of Royal National Park and nearby Heathcote National Park to identify suitable habitat and confirm, as is suspected, that all the platypuses have gone.
“Platypuses are hard to see and are mainly nocturnal, so we have to survey and assess the condition of all the rivers and creeks in the park,” says Dr Bino. “This will allow us to verify the absence of platypus and it also means we can check which part of the rivers are suitable for reintroducing new individuals.”
The team, working with WWF and Taronga, will also survey other platypus populations across NSW to determine where the species is doing well and where animals could be sourced for reintroduction into the rivers of Royal National Park and Heathcote National Park.
A mixture of 10 male and female platypuses will be released in the second half of 2022 with the support of animal health staff from Taronga Zoo. Platypuses will be fitted with acoustic tags – a technology the UNSW team has pioneered – so researchers can track their progress and any breeding activity for up to two years.
“We are planning to track the animals and their use of habitats in the river to make sure they survive and hopefully start reproducing soon after,” says Dr Tahneal Hawke, a scientist on the UNSW team.
“There’s a great opportunity to learn about their use of the river habitats of Royal National Park at the same time.”
A recent study led by UNSW found the parts of Australia where platypuses live has shrunk by at least 22 per cent in the past 30 years.
“Platypuses are to our rivers what koalas are to our forests, but there’s a risk they will disappear if we don’t talk bold steps to reverse their decline,” says Rob Brewster, WWF-Australia’s Rewilding Program Manager.
“This project will combine rigorous scientific monitoring with on-ground action to return platypuses to rivers they once called home.”
Dr Hawke says the team will track the animals after their release to make sure they are settling in to their new environment.
Platypuses have been successfully reintroduced to areas in the past, including rivers in Victoria between 2004-2006. A population was also established on Kangaroo Island between 1928-1946 and found to be still hanging on in a recent survey after the devasting 2019-2020 bushfires.
“Platypuses are resilient animals, but it’s vital that we develop the capability to actively manage populations and do a better job at protecting their freshwater homes,” says CES Professor Richard Kingsford.
“We want future generations to see platypuses in the rivers of the Royal and Heathcote National Parks and all the way down the east coast of Australia.”