• Tackling the threat of invasive species

    Linda Broadhurst     |      May 22, 2019

    The threat posed by invasive species is often overlooked amid worries over land clearing and climate change, but tackling alien plants and animals which crowd out native species is vital to the future of Australia’s fragile ecosystems.

  • Rip up our conservation laws and start again

    Don Driscoll     |      May 16, 2019

    The simplest and most powerful action you can take to reverse the extinction crisis is to vote for a party with policies best aligned with credible scientific advice on how we can get out of this mess.

  • Calculating cost-effective conservation

    Open Forum     |      May 2, 2019

    Maintaining existing conservation areas might be a more cost-effective investment than expansion, according to new research led by The University of Queensland.

  • Australia’s ten most damaging invasive species

    Jaana Dielenberg     |      February 26, 2019

    Research has shown that invasive or pest species are a major problem for four out of five Australian threatened species, with rabbits, feral pigs and cats among the most destructive introduced animals.

  • How to make a finch extinct

    Open Forum     |      February 7, 2019

    An endangered Queensland bird is at risk of extinction because environmental legislation is failing to protect its habitat, according to a University of Queensland-led study.

  • “Bright words” can find common ground in environmental negotiations

    Scott Slovic     |      February 5, 2019

    We cannot create what we cannot imagine, and to imagine we need stories and words to tell them. Storytelling is a communication strategy that helps the tellers and the audience to find common ground on contentious environmental issues.

  • It’s time the Nullarbor caves had world heritage status

    Jon Woodhead     |      January 29, 2019

    Australia’s Nullarbor caves are a precious time machine to millions of years ago, and crucial to understanding our future climate. So, why aren’t they World Heritage listed?

  • Building greener cities helps people thrive too

    Sarah Bekessy     |      December 7, 2018

    A new approach to urban design which treats biodiversity as an opportunity, rather than a constraint, would improve the quality of life of future city dwellers as well as help protect ever more threatened urban habitats and species.

  • Victoria’s old cell-phones help Congo’s gorillas

    Open Forum     |      December 7, 2018

    More than 115, 000 mobile phones have been collected and recycled through a community campaign at Zoos Victoria, preventing around 12 to 20 cubic metres of waste going to landfill and recovering 182 kg of materials whose mining threatens wild populations of eastern Grauer’s gorillas in the Congo.

  • Feral cats and foxes menace Australian mammals

    Open Forum     |      December 3, 2018

    The twelve Australian mammal species at greatest risk of succumbing to predation by cats and foxes have been identified in new research.

  • Australia’s threatened birds in crisis

    Open Forum     |      November 29, 2018

    Populations of Australia’s endangered birds have collapsed by half since 1985, according to Australia’s new Threatened Bird Index.

  • Researching ways to restore Tasmania’s kelp forests

    Open Forum     |      November 21, 2018

    A new joint research project between IMAS and the Climate Foundation is studying the possibility of restoring Tasmania’s iconic giant kelp forests, which have almost disappeared over recent decades due to ocean warming.