Democracy is good for your health
Open Forum | March 17, 2019Living in a democracy is closely linked with better health for adults thanks to an increase in government spending, according to international researchers.
Searching for Democracy 2.0 without losing Democracy 1.0
Tom Daly | October 11, 2018Reimagining and safeguarding democracy around the world requires new ways of thinking which chart a course between alarmism and complacency.
The entrepreneurs of hate
Ian Hughes | October 10, 2018Where does hate come from, and why has it played such a role in recent political history? Ian Hughes’ new book “Disordered Minds: How Dangerous Personalities are Destroying Democracy: examines the issue in depth.
How democracy ends
Mark Beeson | October 8, 2018The rise of populists, a growing number of authoritarian regimes and an apparent loss of confidence in democratic politicians have all contributed to the idea that democracy is in serious trouble.
Is our democracy broken?
Shaun Carney | October 5, 2018While many Australians are still coming to terms with having five Prime Ministers in as many years, what does the future look like for the world’s sixth oldest continuous democracy?
Liberal democracy: just one option among many?
Mike Scrafton | May 17, 2018Democracy appears to be on the retreat around the world and the rise of economically successful authoritarian states is undermining the assumption that political and economic freedom are essential partners for national success.
Servant or partner? The role of expertise in our democracy
Darrin Durant | March 22, 2018Should expert knowledge be limited to providing a servant role in a free society, or elevated to that of a partner? Darrin Durant, a lecturer at Melbourne University, examines the tension between democracy and technocracy.