• Replanting done right

    Penny van Oosterzee     |      May 1, 2023

    Well intentioned tree-planting schemes can fail if simple rules known to every gardener are not followed when saplings are put in the soil. Fancy tools and strict spacing is far less important, for example, than handling roots with care and saturating the soil.

  • Tracking tropical forest loss

    Open Forum     |      July 30, 2021

    Researchers reporting have developed a new way to keep tabs on the vulnerability of tropical forests on a global scale using satellite data.

  • The high climate cost of virgin forest destruction

    Open Forum     |      November 2, 2019

    The consequences of the hastening destruction of intact tropical forests is even more devastating on the climate than previously thought, according to University of Queensland-led research.

  • Why are the rain forests burning?

    Trent Penman     |      September 17, 2019

    Forests around the world – from the Amazon to South-East Asia and Australia – are on fire, largely due to the direct and indirect actions of man.

  • Protecting forests could save the world

    Kate Dooley     |      August 9, 2019

    Natural forest systems are far better at adapting to change conditions than young, degraded or plantation forests, and protecting wild forests is the best way to combat climate change.