Higher fees could reduce tobacco outlets
Open Forum | September 28, 2023Significantly increasing the licensing fees for tobacco retailers is an effective way to reduce the number of shops selling tobacco and should be considered again, according to Australian researchers.
Seeing through the smokescreen
Jillian Kohler | December 18, 2022The big tobacco companies denied the deadly impact of their products for decades, and are now trying to rehabilitate their image while still killing millions of people around the world every year.
Stubbing out smoking in New Zealand
Nick Wilson | October 20, 2022New Zealand’s radical plan to eliminate smoking is being opposed by the manufacturers and retailers who profit from the deaths of others, but their self-interested bleating isn’t backed by the facts.
Smoke gets in your eyes
Frank Houghton | May 31, 2022Smoking kills millions of people every year, as well as nauseating non-smokers and filling drains with discarded butts, so the big tobacco manufacturers are trying to improve their image with a series of empty environmental stunts and initiatives.
$136 billion goes ‘up in smoke’ every year
Open Forum | October 24, 2019Fewer Australians are smoking, but the habit still costs the community at least $136.9 billion a year, according to a research report released by the National Drug Research Institute.
Smoking is so yesterday
Lynda Arbon | October 16, 2019Women face a number of additional medical issues if they smoke, and quitting is by far the single most effective step anyone can take to improve their health.