Helping Ukraine to help ourselves
Bec Shrimpton | March 2, 2024To recall Margaret Thatcher’s choice turn of phrase to George H.W. Bush when confronting Saddam Hussein’s flagrant aggression against Kuwait in 1990, this is no time “to go wobbly” on Australia’s support for Ukraine.
Ukraine at the crossroads
Stefan Wolff | February 27, 2024Divided Americans and apathetic Europeans must double down on military, economic and political support for Ukraine or risk the spectre of a resurgent Vladimir Putin gloating in victory.
A tough year ahead for Ukraine
Matthew Sussex | February 25, 2024Europe is finally beginning to wake up to the reality a Trump-led US could abandon NATO, in addition to Ukraine, but whether European nations are able to overcome their institutional inertia and webs of entangled interests to stoutly resist Russia on their own remains an open question.
The horror, the horror
Jon Richardson | February 23, 2024Unmarked graves, abducted children, raped women, murdered civilians, blasted landscapes, deserted towns, violent repression and cultural erasure are just part of the devastating toll of Russia’s bestial invasion of Ukraine.
Stay the course with Ukraine
Peter Tesch | February 20, 2024The West cannot turn its back on Ukraine in the face of Vladimir Putin’s remorseless and ruthless aggression. He must be stopped and turned back, or Western Europe itself will be in grave danger.
A decade of war in Ukraine
Andrew Maher | February 10, 2024The war in Ukraine – dating back to Russia’s illegal seizure of Crimea in 2014 – has a host of lessons for Western nations in terms of combat tactics as well as the need to robustly oppose and defeat power-hungry dictators.
No retreat, no surrender
Elis Vllasi | February 2, 2024A Western-imposed peace deal in Ukraine which hands Vladimir Putin Ukrainian territory in return for a ceasefire will only feed Russia’s insatiable hunger for land – as it did with Serbia after the Balkan Wars 20 years ago.
Ukrainians stand firm in the face of terror
Gerard Toal | January 31, 2024Support for Ukraine may be wavering in some Western countries but the people of that country remain resolute in their determination to defeat the enemy without territorial concessions or a loss of sovereignty.
Ukraine 2 Russia 0
Matthew Powell | January 20, 2024Ukraine is celebrating the downing of two expensive Russian air-control aircraft in recent days, and the subsequent erosion of Russia’s ability to coordinate its air and ground forces, observe and track targets and provide real-time aerial intelligence.
Rally round Ukraine
Colin Chapman | January 19, 2024The Russian attack on Ukraine was one of the main subjects discussed at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting, where President Volodymyr Zelensky was given a warm reception by the democratic world.
Ukraine looks forward to 2024
Volodymyr Zelenskyy | January 1, 2024Despite increasing Russian savagery and weariness in the West, Ukraine continues to fight for its freedom, and President Zelenskyy continued to inspire resistance in his New Year’s address.
Stand fast over Ukraine
Kenton White | December 21, 2023Despite massive losses of men and material, Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin continues his assault on Ukraine, confident the resolve, resources and attention of the West will waver over time. This makes it all the more important for the democratic world to redouble its support for Ukraine and ensure the forces of darkness are defeated.