Victoria is a ticking health time bomb!

| June 17, 2010

According to a recent survey by WorkHealth more than 40 per cent of the 56,000 Victorian employees surveyed have a high or very high risk of getting type 2 diabetes or heart disease.

The WorkHealth checks were carried out by health professionals and involved the completion of a questionnaire and measuring blood pressure, blood sugar levels and waist size.
The survey findings show that:
  • 93 per cent do not eat enough fruit and vegetables
  • 74 per cent do not do enough exercise
  • 26 per cent are overweight
  • 22 per cent have high blood pressure
According to Victorian WorkCover Minister Tim Holding, “These checks identified hundreds of workers who were walking time bombs needing immediate medical review”. 
We all know what we need to do but for one reason or another many of us do not really get around to doing it. Like most people you probably made some challenging New Year resolutions. Chances are that health, fitness, wellness, nutrition, diet, exercise featured somewhere in your wish list – so how are you making out?


Les Pickett is Partner for Australasia and South East Asia for international human capital management organisation McBassi & Company and Chief Executive of Pacific Rim Consulting Group. His professional career has taken him to over twenty countries. Former roles include General Manager Management Services with Coles Myer and Deputy Director United Nations System Staff College. He is an Ambassador to Tomorrow’s Global Company, a UK based business led think tank and a past international president of the Institute of Business Administration.