Is print kaput?
Andrea Carson | September 14, 2024While the future of printed Australian newspapers is uncertain, it doesn’t spell the end of newspapers – or of a Murdoch’s influence on the news.
Women in politics
Andrea Carson | February 14, 2024Women bring unique strengths to politics and decades of research shows that everyone benefits from greater female participation, so what more can be done to encourage women to enter the political sphere?
Winning the media battle, but losing the voting war
Andrea Carson | October 12, 2023The Yes campaign continues to dominate the traditional and social media debate in the run-up to Saturday’s referendum vote, but still trails in the polls across the nation.
Yes can’t spend its way to success
Andrea Carson | September 27, 2023The Voice referendum has been fought out on social media as much as traditional channels, but despite outspending the No campaign 10 or 20 to 1, the Yes campaign’s advertising blitz has failed to arrest its steady decline in support to less than 40% of Australian voters.
Who has the loudest voice on social media?
Andrea Carson | September 1, 2023Support for the Voice to Parliament has fallen steadily over the past 12 months, despite a well funded media campaign and sympathetic coverage on the ABC and other media outlets, leaving its advocates with a hill to climb before the referendum in October.
Tackling misinformation through co-regulation
Andrea Carson | July 16, 2023Australia’s new approach to tackling fake news on digital platforms involves more stick and less carrot than previously.