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Another Earth?
Alan Stevenson | February 11, 2025The search for alien life in our galaxy – and UFOs in our skies – is a constant source of intrigue and discussion, and while the more lurid tales of visitation may be dismissed, the chances of finding life out there appear to be increasing.
Housing on the election agenda
Open Forum | February 11, 2025New research from Redbridge for the Community Housing Industry Association and PowerHousing Australia shows an expansion of low cost rental housing will be a vote changing political issue at the upcoming federal election.
High on data
Open Forum | February 11, 2025As more Australian jurisdictions begin drug checking trials at festivals and in the community, experts are exploring how the data could reach more people to minimise harm.
More than a gesture required
Liam Gillespie | February 10, 2025Higher penalties for violence and bans on Nazi gestures must be accompanied by broader action to deal with the underlying social, political and cultural conditions that have enabled groups like the NSN to emerge.
Are tax breaks broken?
Kerrie Sadiq | February 10, 2025Tax breaks for businesses are designed to encourage investment and economic growth, but – apart from filling the nation’s roads with aggressive Ute drivers – do they really work?
We three kings
Eric Storm | February 10, 2025The United States should be a bulwark against the oppressive authoritarianism and aggressive imperialism of Russia and China but, with the election of Donald Trump, the attitude seems to be ‘if you can’t beat them, join them.’
Confronting anti-semitic terrorism in Australia
Michael Pezzullo | February 9, 2025The spate of attacks on Jewish people and properties in Australian cities, and the threat of an even more serious terrorist atrocity in the future, demands a firm and coordinated response from the Australian people, as well as its government, police and security services.
Misunderstanding the butterfly effect
Milad Haghani | February 9, 2025Over the next 50 years, the so-called “butterfly effect” captivated the public imagination. It has appeared in movies, books, motivational and inspirational speeches, and even casual conversation but most of its users misunderstand the point it is making.
The joys of literary journeys
Edwina Preston | February 9, 2025The best way to travel the world can be with the help of a few good books from the comfort of one’s armchair.
On military service
Tom McDermott | February 8, 2025Military service has developed a checkered reputation in modern society, but it can still develop the values of humanity, empathy and compassion rather than degrading them.
Truth in political advertising
Yee-Fui Ng | February 8, 2025Misleading political advertisements in the lead-up to an election campaign are perfectly legal and already being used to shape the outcome of the coming federal election.
Exploring Japan’s disaster parks
Ai Tashiro | February 8, 2025Japan’s “disaster prevention parks” preserve and pass on memories of earthquakes and other disasters to future generations.