• Society

    The rings of power

    Tim Harcourt |  July 27, 2024

    As Paris prepares to host the Olympic Games, the balance of hosting costs against commercial gain will determine whether it becomes an economic success.

  • Society

    Advocacy could awaken the Olympic spirit

    Emma Sherry |  July 27, 2024

    The Olympic Games has long prided itself on being a non-political event, aimed at uniting countries through the celebration of sport, but individuals have sometimes used this stage to adopt a more activist stance.

  • International

    Security at the Olympics

    Maria Alvanou |  July 27, 2024

    The recent attack on the French rail network highlights the terrorist threat to the Paris Olympics, and the French authorities are taking strong steps to prevent further disruption.

Latest Story

  • Last stand of the moas

    Open Forum     |      July 26, 2024

    Researchers have found New Zealand’s endangered flightless birds are seeking refuge in the locations where six species of moa last lived before being hunted to extinction by Māori settlers.

  • The ancient roots of the Olympics

    Konstantine Panegyres     |      July 26, 2024

    The Olympics began as part of a religious festival honouring the Greek god Zeus and became just as important in Greek society as the revived Olympics are in the world today.

  • Don’t prod the porcupine

    Jane Rickards     |      July 26, 2024

    Taiwan may draw on the lessons of Ukraine’s successful resistance against Russia to adopt a ‘porcupine’ strategy to counter China’s conventional strength.

  • Mental aberrations

    Alan Stevenson     |      July 25, 2024

    Humans are interacting more than ever with artificial intelligence and this technology is not only changing how humans relate with it but also with each other.

  • The fine print of food

    Open Forum     |      July 25, 2024

    A University of Sydney study investigating menu items on major online food delivery outlets and food delivery phone apps in Australia has found most advertised items are missing nutritional information that would otherwise help consumers make healthy choices.

  • The same goal for all?

    Steve Georgakis     |      July 25, 2024

    Despite a political climate hellbent on tearing communities apart, the Olympics still holds the potential to bring disparate nations together.

  • Crowdstrike highlights global complacency

    Andrew Horton     |      July 24, 2024

    The Crowdstrike fiasco highlights the fragility of the digital economy and drawbacks of a ‘just in time’ service system with no safeguards, fallbacks and spare capacity when things start going wrong.

  • Black swan alert

    Tiggy Grillo     |      July 24, 2024

    A ‘black swan’ event is an unusual but highly disruptive event and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza is now threatening actual black swans and many other Oceanic bird populations on a much wider scale than ever seen before.

  • How Ukraine sank Russia’s navy

    Brian Glyn Williams     |      July 24, 2024

    Ukraine has resisted the Russian invasion on land and in the air, but its most surprising successes have come in a theater where few expected Ukraine to prevail: the Black Sea.

  • Uncharted waters

    Emma Shortis     |      July 23, 2024

    Kamala Harris will now carry the torch for the democrats – and perhaps democracy itself in November, so where does the race go from here?

  • A letter to the children of tomorrow

    Roger Chao     |      July 23, 2024

    Through hunting, agriculture and industrialisation the human race has devastated the flora and fauna of Earth since the last ice age, but future generations can begin to make amends.

  • 100 years of compulsory voting

    Paul Strangio     |      July 23, 2024

    Australia is one of the few democracies which insists on every voter turning up at the polls – does this keep our democracy healthy or breed complacency among the political class?