• I feel like a Tooheys, or twelve!

    Cody Giunta     |      November 22, 2010

    There should be no surprises in the "Drinkwise" findings that for many Australian young men, the idea of drinking to get drunk is synonymous with masculinity.

    As a nurse, "Stuart" (not his real name) cops the brunt of drunken idiots every Friday and Saturday night he has the misfortune of working. Those he sees are mostly young men – and they’re often unhappy to be there.

    "Stuart" tells of one particularly memorable night he found himself tending to a drunken university student who was accompanied by two deeply concerned friends: 

    “He wet himself, and they (his mates) saw it. So when he was sober enough to stand I sent him to the shower to clean himself up (to which he was laughing) and I had a go along the lines of "do you think you’ve learned any lessons from this?" His comeback, “Well, I didn’t do any of it to impress you.”

  • Adult games for adults. Why so difficult?

    Cody Giunta     |      September 16, 2010