A universal basic income might get us through the Covid recession
David Thorp | June 30, 2020A universal basic income could help the economy recover after COVID-19, remove the work disincentives current benefits create and improve equity and social cohesion.
Australia should introduce a universal basic income
David Thorp | June 26, 2019A universal basic income could allow fundamental reforms of tax rates and the labour market while improving security and equality for all Australians.
Thanks for the cash, now what about health service reform?
David Thorp | February 23, 2018Reforming the health system is the only way to stymie the rising economic burden of health services but how do we deliver it? Dr David Thorp considers the advantages of new forms of community health service delivery.
Addressing housing affordability – time to tell the truth
David Thorp | April 28, 2017David Thorp argues that the current housing affordability crisis is an inevitable consequence of decades of increasing inequality. He says there are obvious solutions to the problem.
Our superannuation system is ageing – reform is inevitable
David Thorp | January 9, 2017A flexible and ageing workforce calls for a new approach to our national tax and savings system. David Thorp suggests a comprehensive reform.
Australia – a new federation, a new republic, a new hope
David Thorp | June 17, 2016Is it time to abolish the States? The political and constitutional barriers are large. David Thorp offers an alternative vision for Australia that he thinks could inspire the majority of voters.
Justice reform strategy
David Thorp | April 12, 2016Australian courts are in meltdown with long waiting times, old technology and dysfunctional rules and processes. Dr David Thorp says our justice system needs a fundamental reform, and here he explains how it can be done.