Enough pledges. Act!
Kate Galloway | March 7, 2016The campaign theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is #PledgeForParity. Kate Galloway says instead of more pledges and committees we should just get on with the job of bringing women into the fold.
Lady budgets: An explainer
Kate Galloway | January 29, 2015Tony Abbott keeps finding himself the subject of attention of the wrong kind. Kate Galloway explains how the Prime Minister caused embarrassment when talking about his biggest achievement as Minister for Women.
Who would the Reef vote for, if the Reef could vote?
Kate Galloway | January 15, 2015Protecting the Great Barrier Reef is an important issue in the upcoming Queensland elections. Kate Galloway suggests elevating the Reef’s status to that of a legal rights holder to ensure its ecological sustainability as government and public authorities are failing to do so.
Queensland Anti-Bikie Laws: A Return to the Moonlight State?
Kate Galloway | October 30, 2013Queensland has introduced tough new anti-bikie laws. Kate Galloway, Senior Lecturer at the School of Law at James Cook University, sees a number of problems with the new legislation.
Paid parental leave and the possibility of structural change
Kate Galloway | August 25, 2013Tony Abbott’s proposed paid parental leave scheme has been widely debated. Kate Galloway analyses the arguments that are being made for and against it and argues that the scheme is only one part of a much bigger project.
Gender is never off the agenda while denigration of women is a national pastime
Kate Galloway | June 16, 2013There has been a renewed focus on gender-related issues in Australian politics lately. Kate Galloway argues that it is time to address the deep seated disdain for women in our society.
Black Caviar – one of our best sportswomen? I don’t think so…
Kate Galloway | April 22, 2013After fans have given a fond and very public farewell to Black Caviar, the Australian record-braking mare that went undefeated in 25 races, Kate Galloway wishes we would give regular women's sport the same media coverage.