• Developing Millennials into leaders

    Les Pickett     |      July 30, 2013

    The Generation Y, also called the millennial generation, is perceived as being creative and technically savvy. Les Pickett shares the results from a survey into the challenges and opportunities for companies managing younger employees.

  • Evolving talent strategy to match the Millennial workforce reality

    Les Pickett     |      June 5, 2013

    There are a lot of stereotypes about the work ethic and demands of so-called Millennials, those employees that are under 33 years old. Les Pickett shares the data from a survey that both confirms and dispels common labels.

  • Long-term Disability Care and Support Scheme report released today

    Les Pickett     |      August 10, 2011

    The Australian Government Productivity Commission report on a long-term disability care and support scheme released today. Read the Executive Summary or Full Report.

    Most families and individuals cannot adequately prepare for the risk and financial impact of significant disability. The costs of lifetime care can be so substantial that the risks and costs need to be pooled.

    The current disability support system is underfunded, unfair, fragmented, and inefficient, and gives people with a disability little choice and no certainty of access to appropriate supports. The stresses on the system are growing, with rising costs for all governments.

  • Caring for Older Australians report released today

    Les Pickett     |      August 8, 2011

  • Historical insights into the Census

    Les Pickett     |      August 3, 2011

    Australia’s national census will take place on Tuesday 9 August and celebrates 100 years of information gathering.
    Around 14.2 million census forms will be delivered to Australia’s 9.8 million households with more than 46 million pages of data transported and processed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Almost 30 per cent of the population are expected to fill out their forms online using eCensus.

    The first population counts of Australia were known as musters and were conducted as early as 1788. Musters involved all members of the community gathering at specified locations to be counted. These were important as a means of matching food and other supplies to the number of people needing them. From 1795 the convict population was mustered on an annual basis.

  • Women in the workforce

    Les Pickett     |      February 8, 2011

  • Confronting global risks

    Les Pickett     |      January 26, 2011

  • Corruption on the Rise

    Les Pickett     |      January 14, 2011

  • HR managers need to be ready for mergers & acquisitions

    Les Pickett     |      December 29, 2010

  • Australia’s worst words and phrases in 2010

    Les Pickett     |      December 27, 2010

  • Changing face of business: challenges and choices

    Les Pickett     |      September 10, 2010

    The way in which companies are managed is being challenged by the increasing focus on social and political systems, the natural environment and the global economy.

    This requires a review of the definition of corporate success.

    Tomorrow’s successful companies will recognise corporate social responsibility as a critical success factor and will provide goods and services in a way that is both profitable and ethical. They will respect the environment, individuals and the communities in which they operate.

    To survive and be successful they will need to win the trust of their various stakeholders, act in a responsible manner, anticipate and respond rapidly to the changing expectations of society.

    This requires a focus on three inter-locking and mutually reinforcing priorities:

  • Australia’ s Mineral Resources

    Les Pickett     |      July 28, 2010

    Are our policy makers and strategic thinkers paying sufficient attention to the role of Australia’s mineral resources in international affairs?

    Mineral resources play a role in international affairs that far outweighs the attention paid to the sector by policy makers and strategic thinkers Dr Michael Wesley Executive Director Lowy Institute told participants in a Food for Thought presentation at Victoria University earlier this month.

    Modern societies are becoming ever more dependent on mineral resources but increasingly less self-sufficient in their production, making access to stable and reasonably priced resources central to their functioning. And yet there is little awareness of the general dynamics, trends and forces governing the global production and trade in strategic resources.