• America v America

    Emma Shortis     |      July 3, 2024

    A new book, The Forever War, argues that America’s extreme polarisation has been 250 years in the making as the roots of its modern-day malaise can be found in its troubled and unresolved past.

  • America alone

    John West     |      April 26, 2024

    America’s foreign policy has always been a battleground between isolationist and internationalist forces, according to Charles Kupchan. The tussle continues to this very day, and could intensify if Donald Trump wins the next US Presidential election.

  • The curious case of Woodrow Wilson

    Open Forum     |      February 4, 2024

    February 3rd marked the centennial of Woodrow Wilson’s death, a natural time for meditations on his legacy. Once highly regarded, despite spending the last 18 months of his Presidency incapacitated by a stroke, no President suffered a more precipitous decline in reputation and esteem.

  • American Psycho

    Andrea Kendall-Taylor     |      February 1, 2024

    Donald Trump seems certain to secure nomination as the Republican candidate for the 2024 Presidential election, because rather than despite his crude attempts to overthrow the result of the last election and his manifest contempt for democratic norms and legal procedure.

  • Typhoon Trump

    Emma Shortis     |      January 17, 2024

    Republicans in Iowa have overwhelmingly backed Donald Trump for the 2024 nomination, perhaps because – rather than despite – Trump’s contempt for democracy and American political norms.

  • The US in Asia

    Ryan Hass     |      January 15, 2024

    The Biden Administration will face formidable challenges in maintaining its diplomatic progress in Asia in 2024.

  • Is Trump a Republican?

    Karyn Amira     |      October 5, 2023

    The insanity inflicted by Donald Trump on American political life is not over, with Trump still a contender for the Presidency despite supporting Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and attempting a coup to remain in power last time around, but Trump remains very much an outlier in Republican history, rather than the mainstream.

  • Mug shot

    Jonathan Finn     |      September 3, 2023

    Disgraced former President Donald Trump’s mug shot has become a popular meme, although it’s unlikely to sway the hardened views of his most ardent proponents and detractors regarding his attempt to overthrow American democracy.

  • Why does Trump want civil war?

    Jason Opal     |      August 5, 2023

    The indictment of former United States president Donald Trump on charges he tried to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election is the most serious test of America’s experiment in constitutional government since December 1860, when the state of South Carolina seceded from the Union and set in motion the events leading to the Civil War.

  • Teflon Trump

    Jérôme Viala-Gaudefroy     |      June 17, 2023

    Donald Trump will be remembered as a vacuous, corrupt, greedy egotist who tried and failed to stage a coup to cling to power, so what explains his enduring appeal to large swathes of Republican voters?

  • Australia warms to the US under Albanese

    Kate Clayton     |      May 27, 2023

    Anthony Albanese has strengthened US-Australian relations, with a mature and more diverse alliance offering security in the region and action on climate change.

  • The return of Donald Trump

    Paul Kenny     |      May 24, 2023

    It seems astonishing that Donald Trump, the man who tried to overthrow American democracy, is once again a contender for the Presidency, but his support among the white working class remains as strong as ever.