• Multiculturalism in Australia the road to success

    Pino Migliorino     |      November 6, 2013

    Significant advancements in the multicultural landscape as well as some of the most divisive debates have been seen in recent years. Pino Migliorino from FECCA (Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia) raises some of the key issues being addressed at their multicultural conference.

  • Multiculturalism is who we are

    David Morris     |      November 3, 2013

    According to recent surveys, multiculturalism is endorsed by the vast majority of Australians. David Morris is optimistic about Australia’s diverse culture, if we nurture and strengthen our common values and identity.

  • Celebrate Australia’s cultural heritage

    Open Forum     |      October 31, 2013

    From 14 to 24 November 2013, over 11 days and nights, leading Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, writers, dancers and musicians will showcase their creativity and share their stories.

  • Ending racism does not require respect

    Benjamin Herscovitch     |      October 29, 2013

    Today the Centre of Independent Studies discusses the importance of building a multiculturally diverse but socially cohesive society. Benjamin Herscovitch says that creating a tolerant Australia only demands benign indifference to diversity.

  • Australian Culture in Multicultural Australia

    Sue Ellson     |      October 25, 2013

    Australian culture in multicultural Australia has many faces. Sue Ellson from the Newcomers Network explains what it means to her to be Australian and why it is something to celebrate and share with our multicultural friends.

  • Agile Business Management: Adaptability for Sustainable Business Growth

    Evan Leybourn     |      October 22, 2013

    By embracing technological and cultural change as it happens, an agile manager can deliver sustainable business growth. Evan Leybourn explains the potential of agile business management.

  • Australian Multiculturalism – cherish it, build on it

    Klaas Woldring     |      October 21, 2013

    Australia was originally successful in developing an acceptable way of integrating immigrants from non-English speaking backgrounds. Klaas Woldring wonders why today our political and electoral system doesn’t reflect the composition and values of our society.

  • How Australian Universities differ to those in Brazil

    Denise Frizzo     |      October 7, 2013

    International students have many things they need to adapt to when studying in Australia. Denise Frizzo, Brazilian PhD candidate at Swinburne University, shares how the Australian system has a different sense of responsibility placed on students.

  • Why I am a boat person

    Shane Conroy     |      October 4, 2013

    "Boat Person" has become a sinister term in recent times. Shane Conroy invites you to join a visual petition by uploading a "selfie", holding an ‘I Am A Boat Person’ sign, to his campaign website.

  • NAIDOC Week at the Art Gallery of New South Wales

    Amanda Peacock     |      July 9, 2013

    The celebrations of NAIDOC week continue with art exhibitions, artist talks and school holiday workshops. Amanda Peacock from the Art Gallery of New South Wales provides some historical background about the Yirrkala Bark Petitions.

  • NAIDOC week – celebrating our community achievements

    April Long     |      July 7, 2013

    In NAIDOC week Australia recognises the unique cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. April Long from the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence is organising a community event that is all about celebrating our community achievements together.

  • Celebrate NAIDOC week

    Open Forum     |      July 1, 2013

    It’s NAIDOC week from 7 to 14 July. NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. It is a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and an opportunity to recognise the contributions of Indigenous Australians in various fields.