Making information accessible for everyone
Jeannie Marie Paterson | December 24, 2018Essential but often complex services like banks, utilities and phones need to be accessible for all, including those with cognitive disabilities. Here’s how you do it.
Unwrapping your rights with your Christmas gadgets
Jeannie Marie Paterson | December 21, 2018You may be excited about the digital device under the Christmas tree, but what are your consumer rights and protections when it comes to issues like privacy?
New guidelines for responding to cyber attacks don’t go far enough
Greg Austin | December 20, 2018Australia’s first Cyber Incident Management Arrangements are a good start, but the government needs better engagement with private companies to prevent and manage criminal and state-sponsored cyber attacks.
The ACCC wants to curb digital platform power – but enforcement will be tricky
Katharine Kemp | December 14, 2018The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission says we need new laws to monitor and curb the power wielded by Google, Facebook and other powerful digital platforms.
Global trade digitisation – An opportunity for Australia
Open Forum | October 30, 2018Michael Lim, Head of Trade and Supply Chain at ANZ, outlined the opportunities for digitising regional trade documents at GAP’s Economic Summit in Sydney.
Data rights will empower consumers and business innovation
Open Forum | October 23, 2018New data rights will help Australian customers and SMEs derive value from the information gathered on them and encourage the innovation required to boost productivity and wages.
The universal acid of cyber
Lesley Seebeck | October 10, 2018To address cyber issues, we need fewer blunt instruments such as legislative, system-wide interventions and more adaptive, targeted instruments attuned to the disparate and changing nature of the system.
Growing Australia’s ‘ESports’ industry
Open Forum | September 16, 2018Competitive video gaming is a flourishing and lucrative global business but Australia needs to do more to increase its presence in the eSports arena – particularly when it comes to internet speeds.
Developing data rights for all Australians
James Arvanitakis | August 3, 2018It is time to examine the strengths and limitations of the Australian approach to data security and what other structures might be required to protect consumers in an ever more data-centric economy.
A roadmap for reining in big tech
Fergus Ryan | August 3, 2018Social media platforms have finally been harassed into actually doing something about the harmful externalities their services are creating, but what more can be done to safeguard their users and the rest of society?
Taking on big tech: Where does Australia stand?
Caron Beaton-Wells | July 26, 2018As the EU hits Google with a multi-billion dollar fine for breaking competition law, Australia’s regulator is investigating how big tech operates. What approach will the ACCC take?