• Four questions the banks must answer

    Mark Humphery-Jenner     |      October 17, 2019

    The ACCC has inquired into mortgage rates before, but the banks didn’t offer the Commission all the information as it needed.  The questions must be tougher this time around and the big banks owe Australians some straight answers.   

  • Why this year’s Nobel Prize for Economics matters

    Gabriela D'Souza     |      October 17, 2019

    This year’s trio of winners – Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer received the Nobel Prize for “their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty” but their recognition is important in other ways too.

  • NSW network looks to a circular economy

    Stuart Snell     |      October 10, 2019

    Jobs in regional areas could receive a much needed boost from the new NSW Circular recycling and manufacturing network.

  • Uniting banks and regulators in the fight against financial crime

    John Coyne     |      September 22, 2019

    Financial institutions should be more proactive and transparent about information-sharing with law enforcement agencies to fight international fraud and money-laundering.

  • What’s in store for Facebook Libra?

    Ian Tan     |      September 17, 2019

    Facebook is working on a cryptocurrency called Libra, which it hopes will be used by millions of Facebook users in developing countries who don’t own a bank account.

  • Slowing growth may mean some tough decisions

    Richard Holden     |      September 9, 2019

    We’ve entered out 29th year of uninterpreted economic growth, but our chances of continuing the streak may depend on making some difficult choices.

  • Australia’s booming trade with China will shape strategic policy

    David Uren     |      September 4, 2019

    Diplomatic relations may have been strained, but Australia’s trade relationship with China is growing ever closer. The latest trade report shows that China was the destination for a record 40% of Australia’s exports in June.

  • Maximising the economic benefit of Australia’s defence projects

    Marcus Hellyer     |      August 24, 2019

    The Department of Defence needs to ensure that current and future megaprojects actively foster Australian innovation and maximise local industry involvement in areas of high economic value.

  • Australian traders should turn to South America

    Zoe Dauth     |      August 17, 2019

    Australia should not ignore the opportunities to trade more with Latin America following the historic trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur.

  • The strange death of the department store

    Sean Sands     |      August 12, 2019

    Department stores were once the pinnacle of middle-class aspiration but are now losing out to discount shops and luxury retailers as well as the convenience of the internet.

  • Can Australia develop a rare-earth industry?

    Genevieve Feely     |      July 17, 2019

    China has secured a stranglehold over the strategically important rare-earths industry, but, with the right support, Australia could develop its own rare-earth resources to supply the western world.

  • Poorer Australians need alternative loan schemes

    Lori Youmshajekian     |      July 11, 2019

    A social lending scheme could help bridge the gap between traditional lenders and government welfare for the 2.1 million Australians under high levels of financial stress.