• How does the Wuhan coronavirus work?

    Allen Cheng     |      February 5, 2020

    While most respiratory viral infections are mild, some can trigger serious complications, and the Wuhan virus can prove deadly for vulnerable people.

  • Melbourne scientists cultivate the novel coronavirus

    Open Forum     |      January 30, 2020

    Melbourne scientists have grown the Wuhan coronavirus from a patient sample, which should give expert international laboratories crucial information to help combat the fast spreading virus.

  • The coronavirus outbreak – what you need to know

    Allen Cheng     |      January 29, 2020

    The coronavirus outbreak has already claimed more than a hundred lives in China, and cases are being reported around the world. But what exactly is a coronavirus, and what precautions can we take against it?

  • First, do no harm

    Open Forum     |      January 28, 2020

    Australians are increasingly being diagnosed with cancers that will do them no harm if left undetected or untreated, exposing them to unnecessary surgeries and chemotherapy.

  • Where there’s smoke…

    Max Thomas     |      January 26, 2020

    Melbourne, Sydney and vast swathes of the Eastern States have suffered the effects of the worst bushfire season for years, and the effects of smoke on the population must be taken into account in future planning.

  • Going viral

    Ian Mackay     |      January 24, 2020

    China has barred people from leaving the city of Wuhan, the epicentre of a new viral outbreak ,and global concern is rising, so what do we know so far?

  • Solving the genomic jigsaw puzzle of health

    Open Forum     |      January 24, 2020

    A DNA database of thousands of healthy older Australians is set to change how we determine which genes may underpin a range of chronic and acute diseases.

  • Rethinking interactions with mental health patients

    Open Forum     |      January 21, 2020

    New research overturns the belief that people with severe mental illness are incapable of effective communication with their psychiatrist, and are able to work together with them to achieve better outcomes for themselves.

  • How bad is breathing bushfire smoke?

    Robyn Langham     |      January 16, 2020

    Once the smoke clears, and the immediate issues of infrastructure, jobs and lives are being rebuilt – there will be ongoing questions about the health impacts of urban populations breathing air heavy with bushfire smoke for weeks on end.

  • Appealing to duty may encourage organ donation

    Open Forum     |      January 16, 2020

    The shortage of blood and organ donors could be eased by appealing to people’s sense of duty to others, rather than advertising ‘the gift of life’ according to QUT researchers.

  • Take food industry promises with a large pinch of salt

    Open Forum     |      January 14, 2020

    Major Australian food manufacturers are failing to deliver on voluntary commitments to make healthier products when it comes to salt, according to a new study of salt levels in foods on our supermarket shelves.

  • Exploring food insecurity in indigenous communities

    Open Forum     |      January 11, 2020

    A new study from the University of Queensland will work with local indigenous communities to improve food security among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.