• Measuring what matters

    Michelle Grattan     |      July 12, 2023

    Australia’s first national “wellbeing framework”, to be released by Treasurer Jim Chalmers within weeks, will provide about 50 indicators of how Australians are doing, that will then be tracked over time.

  • Enough of experts?

    Cara Reed     |      July 4, 2023

    The authority of ‘experts’ to exercise power and influence in society is increasingly being questioned from many sides.

  • Cracking down on gambling

    Charles Livingstone     |      July 1, 2023

    Proposals to limit the power and reach of the gambling lobby are long overdue, given the harm it wreaks on individuals, families and society as a whole.

  • Looking to feminist and women’s rights movements to improve aid localisation

    Rochelle Jones     |      June 21, 2023

    Localisation is a key topic in the lead up to Australia’s highly anticipated new international development policy and feminist and women’s rights movements around the world can provide some food for thought.

  • Families need homes to thrive

    Paul Dalziel     |      June 21, 2023

    Economies can grow in ways that leave large numbers of families unable to access good housing or decent work, and a new approach is needed to ensure the economy benefits everyone in a nation.

  • Six economic myths for “wellbeing” economies to tackle

    Paul Sutton     |      June 16, 2023

    Business and society must pivot toward a new purpose of shared wellbeing on a healthy planet, but a major transformation of our world view, society and economy will be required.

  • Tackling childhood adversity

    Open Forum     |      June 14, 2023

    More than half of children in Australia will face adversity by the age of 11 and are up to 10 times more likely to have long term health problems than their peers, according to researchers.

  • From the welfare state to the wellbeing state

    Mark Fabian     |      June 7, 2023

    Developed economies have largely tackled poverty, disease, ignorance, hygiene and idleness. It’s time for a new approach to maximise wellbeing.

  • An economy for everyone

    Katherine Trebeck     |      June 6, 2023

    A transition to an economy that benefits everyone, rather than merely serving the interests of the rich, will not be easy, but it is possible.

  • Protecting whistleblowers

    Richard Murray     |      May 31, 2023

    There are few practical legal protections for Australian “whistleblowers” meaning corporations and agencies are more likely to gamble on breaking the law, exploiting their power and burying their mistakes.

  • Putin the pariah

    Henry Campbell     |      May 28, 2023

    The scale of Putin’s miscalculation in invading Ukraine defies rational comprehension. The war has left Russia a pariah state in an increasingly desperate position.

  • The kids aren’t all right

    Nadishka Weerasuriya     |      May 25, 2023

    A survey of 1,243 Year 11 students from 39 schools across Eastern Australia raises some worrying questions about teenagers’ mental health.