The climate crisis and the electricity grid
Ariel Liebman | May 23, 2021Artificial intelligence is the key to linking a range of renewable solutions to reduce carbon emissions from electricity generation and supply.
What is the electricity transmission system, and why does it need fixing?
Tony Wood | October 19, 2020Much has been said of the need to change the electricity generation mix, from mostly fossil fuels to mostly renewables, but our electricity transmission network must also be overhauled.
Did renewables or coal fail in Victoria?
Peter Farley | February 20, 2019Despite the perception that renewable energy faltered during the recent power crisis in Victoria, In fact it was the opposite, with wind and solar maintaining their performance and coal letting consumers down.
Is this the end of the National Electricity Market?
Rod Boyte | October 25, 2018Australia’s National Electricity Market (NEM), which has served the eastern and southern states for 20 years, may be heading towards its demise.
Mostly working: Australia’s wholesale electricity market
Open Forum | July 2, 2018High electricity prices are here to stay, according to a new Grattan Institute report that calls on politicians to tell Australians the truth about the future of energy costs.
Electricity and gas markets in Australia today
Rod Sims | May 4, 2018ACCC Chairman Rod Sims outlines the current state of Australia’s electricity and gas markets and the prospects for reform to ensure security of supply at an affordable cost to industry and consumers.