Why do so many Australians get skin cancer?
Terry Slevin | March 27, 2018While many people blame holes in the ozone layer, the truth is that white people simply didn’t evolve to survive Australia’s savage sun exposure and any failure to ‘slip, slop, slap’ exposes pale skinned people to risk.
Does too much social media damage young girls?
Cara Booker | March 26, 2018Does your daughter spend her free time browsing social media on her phone? A British study by Dr. Cara Booker has found an association between increased time spent on social media by girls in early adolescence and reduced well-being later in life.
Salt is one big snag to improving your diet
Vic Health | March 23, 2018It may be a classic of Australian barbecues, but the humble sausage rolled in a slice of white bread with tomato sauce hides a half an adult’s suggested daily salt intake.
The new drive to reduce smoking in Aboriginal communities
Open Forum | March 15, 2018A new scheme is set to launch in 30 health services across Australia with the challenging aim of helping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women not only understand the dangers of smoking during pregnancy, but to ultimately quit for good.
Improving health literacy crucial to better health outcomes
Grant Kardachi | February 15, 2018Health literacy and self care are vital components of a sustainable healthcare system – but Australia has disturbingly low levels of both. Grant Kardachi considers the fundamental importance of improving Australia’s health literacy.