• Improving Australia’s health system beyond the election

    Maarten IJzerman     |      May 18, 2019

    While Australia has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, the major political parties are failing to address its long term sustainability at a time of demographic and technological change.

  • Tackling the ‘toxic trio’ behind coeliac disease

    Nerissa Hannink     |      March 22, 2019

    The current treatment for coeliac disease is a gluten-free diet, but researchers want to ‘train’ the body to tolerate the toxic gluten protein as a new way to treat the disease.

  • Empowering everyone to improve their own health

    Charles Abraham     |      March 3, 2019

    Professor Charles Abraham spent many years in the UK designing and evaluating behaviour change interventions. Now, he hopes to help improve Australia’s health by continuing his work here in Australia.

  • Stay healthy for a happier Christmas and New Year

    Open Forum     |      December 23, 2018

    VicHealth has put together some handy tips to help Australians have a healthy and happy Christmas and improve their well being in the New Year.

  • The facts and fictions of hangover cures

    Merlin Thomas     |      November 11, 2018

    Three out of four people who drink to the point of intoxication will have some form of hangover the next morning. Prevention is better than cure, however, as the folk remedies which people swear by have little impact on the problem.

  • Older Australians aren’t getting the exercise they need to stay healthy

    Open Forum     |      November 3, 2018

    A national survey by Australia’s national science agency has today revealed how the health of older Australians could suffer if they don’t flex their muscles at least twice a week.

  • Attracting and retaining Australia’s rural health workforce

    Catherine Cosgrave     |      October 28, 2018

    The retention of health professionals in country areas needs to become a policy focus and rural health services need to be supported to work with local communities on strategies that support health workers to stay in rural areas at different ages and life stages.

  • South East Queensland’s green beacon in health care

    Edward Stoios     |      October 23, 2018

    The healthcare sector must strive for better environmental stewardship as a part of its efforts to cut costs, prevent disease and improve wellbeing and a new hospital in Queensland is leading the way.

  • Gene therapy is still in its infancy but the future looks bright

    Merlin Crossley     |      October 17, 2018

    Once genetic lesions for diseases such as cystic fibrosis and haemophilia were identified, the idea of replacing or correcting defective genes grew into what we now call “gene therapy” but when will the promise of cures become a reality?

  • We need another revolution in the march to good health

    Shitij Kapur     |      October 13, 2018

    Healthcare in Western nations is at a tipping point as populations age – our biggest hope to manage this challenge is data.

  • A cuppa day keeps you moving

    Open Forum     |      October 13, 2018

    The UQ School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences study found that women who drank one to two cups of tea or coffee per day were more likely to meet the recommended levels of moderate to vigorous physical activity than women who consumed less.

  • Australia set to miss global chronic disease targets

    Open Forum     |      September 22, 2018

    Australia, along with more than half of all countries in the world, is predicted to fail to reach the WHO target to reduce premature deaths from cancers, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, and diabetes by 2030, according to a new analysis published ahead of the third UN High-Level Meeting on non-communicable diseases.