• Inequality breeds discontent

    Nicholas Biddle     |      November 9, 2024

    A meta-study of public opinion polls reveals that Australians who resent gross inequalities in income levels also have less faith in that nation’s democratic institutions.

  • Spirit levels

    Ariadne Vromen     |      August 19, 2024

    Understanding the social consequences of rising inequality in Australia demands a broader understanding of how people live.

  • Charting inequality

    Open Forum     |      May 21, 2024

    New research from the Productivity Commission has unpacked changes to income and wealth levels during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Julia Gillard on pandemic health lessons

    Yolande Hutchinson     |      May 27, 2022

    Julia Gillard argues that Australia can use the lessons learnt over the past two years to emerge as a healthier and fairer society.

  • Charting Australia’s inequality

    Belinda Henwood     |      December 19, 2020

    A new report on Australian inequality charts the differences in wealth and opportunity which the COVID pandemic has only intensified.

  • Inequality was rising before COVID-19

    Belinda Henwood     |      September 2, 2020

    The UNSW Social Policy Research Centre and the Australian Council of Social Services have released a new analysis of inequality in Australia pre-COVID-19, providing a baseline to measure the impact of the pandemic on income and wealth inequality.

  • Life expectancy stalls as inequality widens

    Open Forum     |      May 26, 2020

    Growing socioeconomic and geographical inequalities are contributing to a stagnation of Australian life expectancy, new research published in Australian Population Studies shows.

  • A chance to even the odds

    Megan O’Connell     |      May 24, 2019

    A child’s destiny is heavily influenced by the lottery of socio-economic status and where they happen to grow up, but access to quality early learning can help even the odds for all Australian children.

  • Australia has the wealth to ensure a sustainable future, but too many people are being left behind

    Sue Richardson     |      September 26, 2018

    The purpose of our social, economic and political systems is to enable all Australians to lead good lives. Australia is doing well on some fronts, but worrying pockets of inequality remain.

  • Taking a clear look at inequality

    Roger Wilkins     |      September 22, 2018

    Politicians are right when they say that the best anti-poverty measure is a job, but they don’t always provide a policy environment to help that to happen for everyone. The inflexibility and cost of the childcare system, for example, creates substantial barriers to employment of single parents.

  • New UNSW-ACOSS study highlights inequality in our society – and how to fix it

    Open Forum     |      August 2, 2018

    Beyond the personal effects on individuals, vast disparities in income can erode social cohesion and undermine economic growth, researchers say.

  • Get involved

    editor     |      February 27, 2017

    16 March 2017 is National Close the Gap Day in Australia. This is a day in which all Australians band together to spread awareness about the health inequality that is affecting Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander Peoples across the country.