The rights of asylum seekers on Christmas Island
mrty | July 19, 2009Who is the Government trying to kid? They have excised the external territories from the country’s migration zone and located asylum seekers arriving by boat on Christmas Island. Why do that? To prevent the real asylum seekers from gaining access to legal assistance and rights of review. Those rights are reserved for the fake asylum seekers who arrive in their thousands legally by air.
Migration Agents need to do better
mrty | July 12, 2009What trust can asylum seekers put in migration agents? These people charge high fees for doing nothing but filling out and filing some forms. The claims in the forms are often not explained to the asylum seekers who are just told to sign their name and put their trust in the agent. These agents receive minimal training before they receive their licence to print money and the regulation of their industry is a joke. They have the morals and integrity of alley cats and many don’t even bother to show up for their client’s hearings on their claims. Little wonder that the asylum seekers so often lose their cases. What do the agents care? They have the money and are content to feed the process. And guess what? The agents make sure that they are protected by making political donations in sensitive western sydney electorates. Nobody gets disciplined–well none of the big time operators who make the donations anyway.
The education scandal
mrty | July 7, 2009It is truly a national scandal that our tertiary institutions have taken so little trouble to protect the welfare of the foreign students who provide the fees that these institutions depend upon.
The Charity Parasites
mrty | July 6, 2009How many cents in the charity dollar actually go to charity?