Drug testing and opioid blockers could reduce overdose deaths
Vernon White | May 17, 2021The incidence of drug abuse has been growing across the country, but the ability to manage addictions has not kept pace with the social toll.
A test of global leadership
Vernon White | March 25, 2020As the global coronavirus pandemic stretches our leaders’ ability to take back control, we’ll find out whether they can make the necessary adjustments to help societies thrive rather than just survive over the months to come.
Australia’s police are not being militarised
Vernon White | November 7, 2019Media articles and social justice campaigners suggest that police agencies are putting special forces onto the streets of Australia, but nothing could be further from the truth.
It’s time to tackle our opioid problem
Vernon White | September 23, 2019The abuse of opioids, both legal and illegal, has been a problem in Australia for decades, but the rise of drugs such as fentanyl means they must be tackled with renewed urgency.
Policing on the front line of mental health emergencies
Vernon White | April 24, 2019Police and mental health professionals must work together and ‘mind the gap’ when called to deal with people suffering mental health issues.
Australia needs a new strategy to deal with illicit drug use
Vernon White | March 7, 2019Australia’s first responders are dealing with an ever-growing number of drug emergencies and the problem of addiction to prescribed opioids is also on the rise.