• Facing the realities of future farming

    Lisa Middlebrook     |      September 19, 2013

    There are many uncertainties around food production. Ahead of today's Global Access Partners 2013 Annual Growth Summit, Summit Executive Manager Lisa Middlebrook shares her thoughts on what needs to be done to make farming a top priority.

  • Why agricultural productivity depends on food sustainability

    Laura Eadie     |      September 19, 2013

    Agricultural productivity growth has declined significantly over the last 60 years despite strong increases in demand. Laura Eadie explains the importance of food sustainability and how the issue should be tackled.

  • Sustainable cattle farming

    Kylie Schooley     |      September 17, 2013

    The biggest challenge of modern cattle farming is to be sustainably profitable. Kylie Schooley gives a first-hand account of the work on her grazing business at Rocky Springs in Queensland.

  • Australians and their food

    Jim Pratley     |      September 9, 2013

    Australia has a strict regime of pesticides and their use, which food importers don’t have to comply with. Jim Pratley, Professor of Agriculture at Charles Sturt University, urges all Australians to stand up for their local food supply.

  • Sustainable agriculture and the culture of control

    Anthony Waugh     |      September 1, 2013

    Traditional agriculture is dominated by a need to control natural systems. Anthony Waugh explains how sustainable agriculture aims to let go of this mindset of control and works with natural systems to encourage diversity and increase the resilience and fertility of the land.

  • Global food security – play to the rescue

    Jonathan Marshall     |      August 29, 2013

    Crop losses due to plant pests and diseases have a huge impact on global food security. Jonathan Marshall from Bondi Labs introduces the Plant Doctor Game, an educational video game that trains local agricultural workers in developing countries to diagnose destructive crop health damage.

  • Grow it Local

    Jess Miller     |      August 28, 2013

    There is a noticeable shift towards sustainable food production as part of a local real food movement. Jess Miller from Grow it Local talks about her campaign that encourages people to connect with their local community and become urban farmers.

  • On the death of farming as we know it

    Emmanuel Giuffre     |      August 28, 2013

    The demand for animal products has increased dramatically in the last forty years, resulting in a rise of multinational corporations dominating the global meat and dairy trade. Emmanuel Giuffre, Legal Counsel for the animal protection institute Voiceless, argues that the suffering of animals in intensive meat production systems needs to stop.

  • Ensure food security now and in the future

    Deirdre Lemerle     |      August 26, 2013

    Food productivity in Australia has consistently increased since the early days of agricultural production. Weed scientist Professor Deirdre Lemerle says there is still potential for sustainable growth.

  • Australia’s first Fair Food Week

    Nick Rose     |      August 16, 2013

    Where is the food without the farmer? In Australia’s first Fair Food Week, Nick Rose, National Coordinator of the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance and Director of the Food Connect Foundation, urges all Australians to question their values underpinning food and agriculture.

  • The world food crisis

    Kevin Parton     |      August 12, 2013

    Not only Australia is affected by rising food prices. Professor Kevin Parton from the Institute for Land, Water and Society describes causes and effects of the current situation and offers solutions to a global problem.

  • Australian cattle and sheep farmers on target for sustainability success

    Elise Vale     |      August 8, 2013

    Target 100 is an initiative that aims to deliver sustainable cattle and sheep farming in Australia. Elise Vale, coordinator of the program, wants to engage more people into a conversation about how our food is produced.